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Is it just me, or is Hamburger the only thing...

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All of the American fast food places seem to being going in the direction of health oriented foods. Wendy’s, McDonalds, Burger Kings and so on all seem to be pushing salads lately. I haven’t eaten at an American fast food joint in awhile as in my opinion they tend to produce wretched slop, and I don’t think I am ever going to spend money at any of these places on a salad. Luckily better places to purchase fast food exist up here, such as Harvey’s, Pizza Pizza and Tim Horton’s.

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By Israeli standards, this is a lot

Haha, and by most American standards too :muaha: But it all depends.

Americans are fat because of their life style, not because of fast food.

Heres why. You go to school and you sit in a chair for 8 hours. You go home, (while sitting in a car or bus), you arive home and either sit at a desk and do homework, or sit on a couch and watch TV, or sit at a computer.

Or if you're not in school, you replace "sitting at school" with "sitting at your office desk".

The thing is that many other people have a similar lifestyle where they spend alot of time sitting. The reason why Europeans aren't as fat is because they tend to do a little more walking, maybe getting up earlier, perhaps working now and then on something. Americans can do some work too, but the ones that are fat don't.

Also it nearly 100% depends on your metabolism (how fast your body converts food into energy). If you spend your childhood sitting arround, your metabolism will slow down and you'll gain weight from eating fast food, or anything basically. If you don't, and are active, do some sports, not sit 90% of your day :lol:, then you'll have a fast metabolism and you can eat fast food and it won't really do anything to you.

I for example have a really fast metabolism largely due to all the sports I played when I was little (state championships, woot), and before I was 12 I was never on a computer. Since I grew up with a fast metabolism, it's stayed with me and my weights always been constant, and infact if I eat alot I don't get fat, I actually grow or gain muscle :) Due to my body immediatly converting that food into energy rather than letting it sit arround.

Sooooo, point is: It's all about your lifestyle whether you're fat or not. SLow metabolism + high fat/sugary food = obesity. Fast metabolism + high fat/sugery food = not-obese, though it's still not healthy for you and can still give you high blood pressure.

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Yup I run a LOT so I can eat tons of food (not a lot of fast food actually... once a fortnight :muaha:), and I'm definately not fat (b/c I'm not skinny either)... in fact, just this year one of those bodyweight calculators said I was overweight and I got all mad because I am in incredible shape... stupid calculator, I can run a mile in 4:56, and bench my bodyweight (well not anymore).

Anyhow, it's really disgusting how many fat people there are in the US. Everywhere you go someone is like really overweight. But the US population certainly isn't one of self control, and that's showing in more than just food...

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I don't know for myself. I do know I'm not in a great shape, but it would feel bizarre to me and my parents if I do so. To me, because I never used to, and was also disgusted of sport from classmates, earlier in my life. To my parents, my sister grew anorexic, and I was never saw as a great sportman myself, but more as someone who can think a lot. But I'm sure it would do great on myself. At least, I can bicycle for a whole they with an average speed of 25km/h without being tired (a day = 12 hours of bicycle).

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