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How Often Do You Train\have Gym?

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I have this ones:

Monday: Train my muscels

Thuesday: Football\soccer training

Wednesday: Train my muscels

Tursday: Soccer\football training

Friday: Train my muscels

Saturday: FREE!

Sunday: Football\soccer training :brow:

So, how, and when do you guys train? I guess Tim train alot, because his a very :P scary person :P (He looks like one ... :P )

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i think u meant tuesday and thursday hawk?

and hmm-do u play soccer @ all hawk????

for me its

Every Day-Weights, situps, pushups, large run


Monday-Junior/Senior Tennis Comp (in tennis i play as a senior, im too good for the juniors)

Tuesday-Top Senior Comp/Traning

Wed-Train, Senior Comp

Thurs-Train-Top Senior Comp (its tueesday and wednesday)

Fri-Train, Twilight Comp Subbing

Sat-Junior Comp (hey, the gals there r hot)

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Monday- Run 4 to 5 miles, 7:30 to 8 minutes a miles

Tueday- Run 2 to 4 miles, 7:15 or lower. Lift weights.

Wednesday- Pompoms, the ultimate running game. The people who are "it" try to chase down and tackle everyone else and those who are tackled join the "it" team until there's only one guy, who runs "the gauntlet". BTW, the whole game is played on the side of a giant hill.

Thurday- See monday, and lift weights. Oh I'm really sore from lifting yesterday.

Friday- Only if I don't have anything else, I'll run.

Sat and Sun are hard-earned break days!

Who else runs besides Adam, Intrepid and Khazun? Anyone here?

EDIT: And I do abs and stretching on workout days.

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I have gym every other day. We have "Block schedule" at my school. If you don’t know how that works you go to periods 1, 3, and 5 the first day and the next day you go to periods 2, 4, and 6. (Then you go back to periods 1, 3, and 5 again the next day.) I love block schedule because that gives you 2 days to do your homework. (we only have 6 periods at my high school.) :ph34r:

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  The Prophet said:
I have gym every other day. We have "Block schedule" at my school. If you don?t know how that works you go to periods 1, 3, and 5 the first day and the next day you go to periods 2, 4, and 6. (Then you go back to periods 1, 3, and 5 again the next day.)  I love block schedule because that gives you 2 days to do your homework.  (we only have 6 periods at my high school.) ;)

Cool. Does anyone here play American Football? Or Rygby (its the same right?).

We played it alot in the gym, me and a friend, were on the same team. But another friend of mine was on the other. It was so fun, and funny, we always run over and bothered my friend on the other team. My teacher got mad though, telling us "But guys, he doesnt have the ball". It was fun, and offcourse, NO hard feelings :P



Cool new Smilies :P ?

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