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A great project needs some help

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Hi all, first time post

For those that don't know there's an amazing mod project that like 0AD deals with the ancient world. Its called Europa Barbarorum 2, a mod for medieval 2 Total War. It has an amazing commitment to historical accuracy and the amount of work that has gone into it can't be overstated. I can't say enough good things about it.

I have been a long term fan of it but recently it has been having difficulties. They have launched an appeal


but I don't have the skills to help, nor could I learn them that quicky, though I will try.

I was wondering, since this is a fairly related project in terms of setting, if anyone has the skills and commitment to take the mod forwards, especially in the area of creating units, could they please consider helping. They need people who can do things like skinning and moddeling very badly.

Here is the recruitment thread.


Thanks for listening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see someone has been on their website to complain about my post. That is not necssary. This was posted in off-topic and wasn't specifically for the team but for anyone who could help. Also I'm not a member of their project.

I apologise for any offence, I guess.

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I see someone has been on their website to complain about my post. That is not necssary. This was posted in off-topic and wasn't specifically for the team but for anyone who could help. Also I'm not a member of their project.

I apologise for any offence, I guess.

You have to understand, as an "art recruiter" for EB- coming onto the 0 AD forums after so many months of inactivity in our own art department. It's going to strike up some defense in the community now that things are rolling.

Know that this sentiment isn't shared among the team. It's true we can't spare any artists at the moment, but we do wish EB II best of luck.

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You have to understand, as an "art recruiter" for EB- coming onto the 0 AD forums after so many months of inactivity in our own art department. It's going to strike up some defense in the community now that things are rolling.

Know that this sentiment isn't shared among the team. It's true we can't spare any artists at the moment, but we do wish EB II best of luck.

Indeed and that's what I said to the guy that try to recruit me here and on taleworlds.

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