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[Part II] Faction: Early Muscovite Russia

Le Druide Gaulois

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The early Muscovite Period marked the starting point of the rise of Russian Civilization. Not European, nor Asian, the Russians are a people unique. Join this glorious civilization, as they break the shackles of Mongolic oppression and march towards the construction of one of the greatest empires to ever exist on earth.


-Two centuries of Mongol domination weren’t just about submission. The Eastern Slavs learned and incorporated a great deal of the Golden Horde’s combat techniques. Extensive use of cavalry and archery play a big part in this faction’s fighting. Agile archer riders, often having a powerful saber in the reach of their hands are the strong point of the Russian Army.

-Long swords, as found in Western European lands, were almost totally surpassed by the Asiatic-style saber, a much cheaper, faster, and easy-to-handle kind of weapon. Long swords are restricted to a few noble champion units.

-The crossbow, a lethal artifact imported from the Far East, is one of the aces used by this people. Have a regiment of quick-fire crossbowmen in your army to shoot certain death at your enemy.

-Units are cheaper and faster trained than most civilizations’, what eases the possibilities of an early attack. Warriors have, however, weaker armor.


-The vast majority of buildings are made of wood, what makes them cheap and fast to build.

-Unique structures include the Bath House, where injured units are healed quickly.


-The Orthodox Priest has one of the strongest conversion powers. Update him to Patriarch to enhance conversion power, especially over non-Christian units.

-Lumbering rate is the fastest in game.

-Train only pigs at corral, which are more nutritious than cattle and also fastest to breed and butch.

-Cheap and fastly trained military.

- Low use and need of metals.

Concepts to follow soon.

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Niek, here's a map of Moscow's dominions by that time. You raised an interesting question, the Varangians (Swedish Norsemen) founded the Princedom of Kiev in the 8th century, wich was the starting point for the formation of the East Slavonic civilization (by that time they lived in tribes and did not have a unified state). It is also important to notice that by then there was no divison between Russian, Ukrainian and Belorusian peoples, they were all part of Old Rus'.

The princedom of Kiev was dominated by Mongols for two centuries, and when the domination was over, Russians and Ukrainians already had each one their own language and identity. The proposed fatcion depicts the "fetus" of Russian empire, the Duchy of Moscow.


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  • 1 year later...

Almost two years after the original post, I've decided to come back with some sketches. Not that I hope they'll come to life soon, but I was bored and decided to draw something that could be helpfull some years later.

The Fort:

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I originally intended the guard towers (except for the gate) to be round, but I was failing to drawing them round.

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@Le Druide Gaulois I like the concept, but separated wall looks a bit unusual. I imagine something more intergrated: using the same base parts you have drawn, you can stick walls to the sides of the main structure and place towers in the corners to achieve something like this (gate church of Rostov Kremlin):


Another interesting structure is the (reconstruction of*) Golden Gates of Kiev (which is obviously more suitable for Kievan Rus' rather than for Muscovite, but still can be used for inspiration):


* Wikipedia article states: "It was completely rebuilt by the Soviet authorities in 1982, though no images of the original gates have survived. This decision has been immensely controversial, since there are many competing reconstructions of what the medieval gate might have looked like"

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Я рад это Вам нравится!

This sketch was somewhat tricky to conceptualize. Russian forts are generally small walled cities with a lot of churches inside, so in order to condense it all in just one building, I had to make some simplifications wich are not always accurate. I'll soon submit some more suggestion sketches for the church within the walls.

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  • 4 months later...
  On 21/01/2017 at 2:22 PM, makiman said:

This is the reference for the temple <...>

and this for houses <...>


- the temple image is from Groß Raden Museum , you can find more images of the temple and other buildings from it.
Another possible slavic temple design is капище (open air idol place):


- house seem to be this one: http://www.suzdalguide.com/architecture/vasenino.htm ; description says it's a typical peasant's house of XIX century, while for Early Muscovite Russia originally discussed in this topic we're interested in years 1283–1547, and for slavs somewhere around VI -- VIII centuries . I think the basic structures (house(s), mill, farmstead) can be the same (or at least similar) for both civs and should be simpler than that XIX century house.

The most primitive house may be "землянка" (dugout):


A normal one:

(similar by layout/materials to one you posted, but smaller and less decorated)

  On 21/01/2017 at 2:06 PM, makiman said:

<...> So, I made those models. Starting left is a slavic temple, the next are house models and the last is the temple upgrade.


The models look like a good start :)
- for temple you lost the wall decorations:

- houses, I think, should have noticeable log itersections in corners:


Edited by fcxSanya
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