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Massive map (WIP)


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Completely agree! Just started with a height map so there will need to be some tweaks. For instance I think it will be a good idea to join the two oceans a bit better so ships can get through.

I think we'll have to wait a few years for computers to catch up to play this though lol. It's going to have an insane number of objects on there.

My computer is rendering it in game mode at around 100 to 150 fps at the moment but up at around 75 citizens it starts getting a hideous lag!

Mind you it'll probably take me a couple years just to finish it, its that big! ;)

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  On 27/01/2014 at 6:08 AM, Leroy30 said:

My computer is rendering it in game mode at around 100 to 150 fps at the moment but up at around 75 citizens it starts getting a hideous lag!

I think that means the game engine has no problems handling such big maps whatsoever, but the pathfinder and unit AI aren't designed with maps of that size in mind. There's a good chance that a lot of the performance improvements, which are in the works for 0 A.D, will make your map run a lot smoother.

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  On 28/01/2014 at 9:50 AM, implodedok said:

I think that means the game engine has no problems handling such big maps whatsoever, but the pathfinder and unit AI aren't designed with maps of that size in mind. There's a good chance that a lot of the performance improvements, which are in the works for 0 A.D, will make your map run a lot smoother.

Hope so!

It does seem to be the AI rather than the rendering engine. FPS isn't going any lower than 80fps at the worst even when that unit lag starts happening.

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  On 28/01/2014 at 10:30 AM, niektb said:

Just a question: how did your images end up so blurry?

I have the DOF (Depth Of Field) post-effect turned on for that map.

Haven't yet made up my mind but I think I kind of like it. It gives you a more realistic line-of-sight so that enemy units whilst they may be within close proximity are not 100% noticeable unless you are right on top of them.

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Pathfinder is definitely not made to handle such big maps right now. Graphics can probably scale up way better as long as there are not too many entities (frustrum filtering is slow) and there are many stuffs that are repeated (several of the same tree…). Range Queries should hold up somewhat well, though again as the number of entities grows it'll suffer. AI is probably similar.

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  On 28/01/2014 at 8:57 PM, wraitii said:

Pathfinder is definitely not made to handle such big maps right now. Graphics can probably scale up way better as long as there are not too many entities (frustrum filtering is slow) and there are many stuffs that are repeated (several of the same tree…). Range Queries should hold up somewhat well, though again as the number of entities grows it'll suffer. AI is probably similar.

Shame about the trees. I've done them all as entities :(

Wonder if there's a way to have natural resources as actors and only convert them to entities once a civ starts mining them?

Not that I really know what I'm talking about!

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  On 29/01/2014 at 2:16 AM, Leroy30 said:

Shame about the trees. I've done them all as entities :(

Wonder if there's a way to have natural resources as actors and only convert them to entities once a civ starts mining them?

Don't worry about it too much, the game would have been slow even with actors once the map is over :P

There's no way to do such a thing so far, but it would be an area of work to treat some entities as more dormant when they are unused.

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I you ever have to replace lots of objects with other objects: open the map in a text editor, search for the object that you want to replace and with a 'find and replace all' you can replace all of them with another. Since your map is huuuge that might cause some problems because you might not want to replace all objects of one type. But it might be useful anyway!

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  On 30/01/2014 at 3:40 AM, idanwin said:

I you ever have to replace lots of objects with other objects: open the map in a text editor, search for the object that you want to replace and with a 'find and replace all' you can replace all of them with another. Since your map is huuuge that might cause some problems because you might not want to replace all objects of one type. But it might be useful anyway!

Thanks for the tip!

I could always write an easy script to randomize it. i.e say put a cap on the number of entity trees and randomize the distribution.

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