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Multiple Roman Issues


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Marian Reforms unlocks "Onagers", unable to locate this unit.
Units are unable to gain experience at the barracks after unlocking "Marian Reforms". Units are able to in the stable.
Marian Reforms does not state that skirmishers are upgraded to "Legionary Skirmishers" in the description.

Sorry that this is not three posts, I am unable to post more than four times per day.

Edited by BugReportTempAccount
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17 hours ago, BugReportTempAccount said:

Units are unable to gain experience at the barracks after unlocking "Marian Reforms".

Well, that's just logical. Swordsmen and skirmishers are promoted to rank 3. Spearmen are transformed into units "that can't promote".

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2 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

Swordsmen and skirmishers are promoted to rank 3

Swordsmen have another rank after that to become Centurion. The Centurion description states, "Centurions may be promoted from elite melee citizen infantry", which is not easy to do if swordsman cannot gain experience in the barracks.

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7 minutes ago, BugReportTempAccount4 said:

which is not easy to do if swordsman cannot gain experience in the barracks.

I think the intended way (and fast way) to gain experience is to fight. Try to walk your swordsman onto some enemy archers and farm xp by hacking them down. 

Edited by Seleucids
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12 minutes ago, BugReportTempAccount4 said:

t was just another option that I thought was supposed to be left open, fighting is always a way to do it too.

From a technical perspective, advancing from rank 3 to a Centurion is a conversion. The unit template file changes and the entity changes. Therefore it would be non-trivial to implement a mechanism that automatically converts swordsman to champions. We are looking at a class change on top of stats change; even parent templates are different. 

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24 minutes ago, Seleucids said:

From a technical perspective, advancing from rank 3 to a Centurion is a conversion. The unit template file changes and the entity changes. Therefore it would be non-trivial to implement a mechanism that automatically converts swordsman to champions. We are looking at a class change on top of stats change; even parent templates are different. 

This is already done in the Athenians with Elite Hoplites being able to convert to City Guards in the barracks automatically.

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2 hours ago, BugReportTempAccount4 said:

Swordsmen have another rank after that to become Centurion. The Centurion description states, "Centurions may be promoted from elite melee citizen infantry", which is not easy to do if swordsman cannot gain experience in the barracks.

when you complete the technology, you can train centurions from the fortress directly.

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9 hours ago, BugReportTempAccount4 said:

Swordsmen have another rank after that to become Centurion. The Centurion description states, "Centurions may be promoted from elite melee citizen infantry", which is not easy to do if swordsman cannot gain experience in the barracks.

Swordsmen dont promote to Centurions by experience, but by a button.

I agree that the description that you quoted should be considered as bug. The description should describe how to promote in this case.

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