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Observation on Diplomacy


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Small observation on Alpha 27 RC2 (may not be new, may not be a bug by any means, just did not experience it before):

While still paying my tributes to create an alliance, my potential new ally offered the alliance right away for free (while I did not finish paying).

I certainly accepted. and then I had a strange combination of messages "welcome as my new ally" and "if you are not paying the tribute, there will be no alliance" afterwards. Seems that there are rare occasions where two concurrent processes appear.

Did anyone experience the same?

The only way to verify that an alliance is actually in place seems to be by researching the "uncover your ally's map" feature.

My own diplomacy settings of alliance/neutral/adversary are certainly only single-sided settings and do not reflect the actual mutual state in game. (i.e. believing we are allied does not mean we are in fact - visible when a previous neutral partner cancels neutrality and starts attacking while my own diplomacy settings are not yet changed to "adversary". this has to be done manually).

I would be interested to know if there are other means to know the real actual status. Thank you very much!

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Almost (800/1000), but in between he offered the alliance for free (which I never saw before), so I accepted and he confirmed. After that he reminded me of paying the remaining tribute. Most likely a glitch somewhere in the code? Concurrent processes? First time I saw it.

Interesting enough that I was not able to confirm we actually had an alliance after he confirmed it (before we were just neutral) other than researching the "view your ally's map" technology.

Basically it may be seen as an element of suspense or strategy to only know the diplomatic relationship I set myself and not  the actual status.

Like sometimes (rarely) a previously neutral civ declares war on me and becomes an enemy but I cannot fight back until I switch my own diplomatic relationship from neutral to "adversary".

Hence I am not sure this is actually a bug but possibly intended?

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Thanks! Sounds indeed kind of related. The diplomacy system is something possibly using different actors - human players and PETRA.

When you as a player start a diplomacy process the game has possibly kind of a timer and never checks if the process itself was not applicable anymore or some state has changed substantially? Could I as the initiator of alliance building change my state and the AI would react correctly? (like switching from alliance to neutral and back. Would I get the same request for tribute or a different one or would PETRA deny an alliance?)

In my reported case I would guess that there might be two competing processes that both don't really consider status change:

  1. a diplomacy process initiated by me asking for alliance and in consequence having to pay tributes.
  2. a second, independent process initiated by PETRA AI that is asking for an alliance for free (randomly triggered?) 

Does anyone know?

Otherwise I would be curious and will be testing what happens in various cases. Will keep you posted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New bug: Today I saw a game with diplomacy enabled. First it was a 4v4, but then player 1 turned ally player 2 into an enemy. When the initial enemy team was defeated, the match didnt continue, but the other players were declared winners even though player 1 and player 2 were still at war.

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On 29/01/2025 at 11:30 AM, Grautvornix said:

I would be interested to know if there are other means to know the real actual status.

AFAIK all diplomatic changes are announced via messages to all, so provided you didn't continue from a save in the meantime you can look it up in the chat.


32 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

the other players were declared winners even though player 1 and player 2 were still at war

The player's enemies were defeated, I guess that's the point.

Apart from that I once again propose a diplomacy matrix where the player can see all diplomacy settings of the other players.

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13 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

The player's enemies were defeated, I guess that's the point.


No. From the view of player 1, player 2 has turned from ally into enemy and was not defeated yet. I have seen this situation very often in previous Alphas and that bug never occured.

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