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Polls - community mod, version 26.8

Player of 0AD

Melee citizens get 38% fighting bonus for a level up instead of the 67% before  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Melee citizens get 38% fighting bonus for a level up instead of the 67% before

    • bad change
    • good change
  2. 2. Siege units receive +1 hack armor

    • bad change
    • good change
  3. 3. Hero Iphicrates loses his speed bonus for units in his formation

    • bad change
    • good change
  4. 4. Hero Iphicrates gives +2 armor for soldiers within 40 meters, instead of +3 armor for soldiers in his formation

    • bad change
    • good change

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Melee citizens have been nerfed which is bad, because for example Athens and Sparta rely on these units, as they don't have any champion cavalry. Also, for some civs the citizen spearman is the only unit which can counter cavalry well (Britons, Mauryas). Furthermore it weakens melee mercenaries even more and using them didnt seem to have been a good strategy any more.

Siege units have already been rather hard to destroy, now even more.

As I said, Athens have the big disadvantage to not have any champion cavalry, so it might be a mistake to nerf the Iphicrates hero. This civilization relies on him.

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34 minutes ago, Atrik said:

I don't understand this. To what change does it refers to?

Also the poll should include all the building changes.

Normally, the level up for melee citizens increases armor by 1, health by 25% and damage by 20% --> combined, this increases power by 67%.

In the mod, armor stays the same, health increase might be 25%, damage 10% --> 38% bonus.

If you don't like the building changes, feel free to make another poll ;)

Edited by Player of 0AD
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@Player of 0AD, you can't represent the rank-up change by a single statistic. Please bring in more context. like this:

43 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

armor by 1, health by 25% and damage by 20%

43 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

health increase might be 25%, damage 10%

If you insist on this "percent power", you should consider calculating it for the ranged units and including it in the question as a reference.

rank 3 melee units could achieve stats almost as good as champions, and this was an issue with snowballing. Also, the mod has been out for about 2 days. Save polling for later when more players have the chance to understand the changes and their effects on gameplay.

Edited by real_tabasco_sauce
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1 hour ago, Player of 0AD said:

Melee citizens have been nerfed which is bad, because for example Athens and Sparta rely on these units, as they don't have any champion cavalry. Also, for some civs the citizen spearman is the only unit which can counter cavalry well (Britons, Mauryas). Furthermore it weakens melee mercenaries even more and using them didnt seem to have been a good strategy any more.

Siege units have already been rather hard to destroy, now even more.

As I said, Athens have the big disadvantage to not have any champion cavalry, so it might be a mistake to nerf the Iphicrates hero. This civilization relies on him.

iphricates was very problematic, its good that there was a nerf. Now I do agree athens could use some other good heroes, and perhaps some justification for their champs coming out of a super expensive building. Also citizen spearmen counter cavalry perfectly well still so I wouldn't worry about that as of the new comm mod.

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2 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

As I said, Athens have the big disadvantage to not have any champion cavalry, so it might be a mistake to nerf the Iphicrates hero. This civilization relies on him.

The fact that athens relies on what was the best hero in the game to be competitive is a problem.




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3 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

Melee citizens have been nerfed which is bad, because for example Athens and Sparta rely on these units, as they don't have any champion cavalry. Also, for some civs the citizen spearman is the only unit which can counter cavalry well (Britons, Mauryas). Furthermore it weakens melee mercenaries even more and using them didnt seem to have been a good strategy any more.

Siege units have already been rather hard to destroy, now even more.

As I said, Athens have the big disadvantage to not have any champion cavalry, so it might be a mistake to nerf the Iphicrates hero. This civilization relies on him.

I think the bigger problem that you are getting at is that there is a problem with inf/cav balance. 

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