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Should Tournament Matches be only done on weekends?  

13 members have voted

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I can on most Saturdays, but in the afternoon, in the morning I work. Sunday is very difficult. So my answer is to have games during the week. -3gmt


Rating: 2243

Thank you for organizing this and moving the competitive scene.

Edited by borg-
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I think the best thing would be to hold different tournaments depending on the time zone since the community is very diverse. And therefore when an example in Europe is day in my country it is night and vice versa I think it is an issue to take into account

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Yes, I'll ask for timezones

14 hours ago, Ramsés said:

I think the best thing would be to hold different tournaments depending on the time zone since the community is very diverse. And therefore when an example in Europe is day in my country it is night and vice versa I think it is an issue to take into account

I'm extending signups till next Saturday to help there to be more players


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On 15/06/2023 at 3:57 AM, DerekO said:

Please quickly respond to this forum and just put your in-game name, and your rating, I want to see who is intrested in doing it, I plan to have the tournament start on Saturday,

may be we can ask for a registration fee and increase prize money or give prizes for second and third places.

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