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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. I have thought about buyng a new main card ... ASUS K8V Deluxe. But i saw that it supported ECC memory. But a PCmagazin sayd that Athlon didnt need this. ( I know Athlon fx-51 need it, but i dont want fx)

    If you know anything about if its the processor, Main card or simply that it isnt supported, please answer (y)

    **copyed from a friend of mine :D **

  2. Well, i dont want to explain it very good... Just a simple thing for now :)

    The dream game is a Lord of the Rings game, OR a medieval, OR a RTS game focusing on the time Jesus lived. You know, here i have 2 of them, so i guess its the Medieval game left. It should be with huge armies, a lot of blood and stuff, bows should be a lot more expesive, and a lot stronger! AND off course, units should be ON walls ;)

  3. Yes, really too early. but still its cool that you made this thread Black Op, because i guess this is something that really affects many more that just the team devs. And also i think that in a few months, things about community after the games and more ....

    Well, i really dont think they should stop making games! And Klaas, its an idea, a good one, but i really dont think WFG should do it, and if they would, not with the great RTS based team they are now. Maybe include some new folks, like a new dev dep??

    I want WFG to make a medieval game! Something really great! I mean, like huge amrys, were people can zoom out a lot, and were people can walk ON walls +++ Ill give my ideas if this is possible :)

    gl and hf anyway :D

    Love from ZeZar :)

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