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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. So you are saying Halo 1 is not out in Europe? I didn't know that.

    Microsoft and Bungie had said it would be released after the game.

    And it is code named 'Sapien' I think. :blush:

    Ah, sorry. I thought you ment Far Cry ;) ... lol

    Well, i guess i only play the XBOX version. Have you tryed search with google or something?

  2. But then i really wondering, how will a RTS game be fun, without the battles? TH huge battles that literly takes my eye out and rip it appart, just because of the stunning battle on the screen? (Refering to Empires DotMW in Middle Ages)!

    There are things about RTS that may be changed, and it looks to me that you will make those changes. Just dont make them to big, dont change the basics about RTS. I think if you do that, less people will play the game :P

    ! :P

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