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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. How about a BETA forum?

    This might just be stupid, and tell me now if im wrong on this: "Better to say many stupid things, than say nothing at all" ... You know, so you guys can see whats bad and whats (if any) is a good idea. Please tell me to stop my suggestion on forums and more if you dont like it :P

    But you know, a forum were people can deliver their stuff, like senarios, maps, renders, +++ ?

    love you guys ... ZeZar :P:D

  2. my vote would be 300-500...I    d how slow EE and E:DotMW is when you have it on several thousands of units

    Well, only Online. If you have a normal computer (like 2ghz and +++) you should have no problem playing 1000nds of units in Empires DotMW. But i think there should be chances for edit this ourselves. I really hated AoK for just having 200, and my friends did too. So we almost gave up AoK, and started Empire Earth :P

    But off course, when this changes from civ to civ :P

    another Q: Will every unit just take one pop, or will horses +++ take more?

  3. Hi, first visit in this thread ....

    Its really hard to translate jokes, but ill try:

    I have a great joke, but its about sex and stuff, and if there are anyone below 14 or something, that would be impropiet!

    But this one is also pretty pervo, but ill try: *delete if not funny, or to bad*

    btw... This one took time, from Nor to Eng. .. . .

    A man arrives at his favourite restaurant and sits down at his usual table. When he gets the menu, he sees the most beautiful lady he have ever seen, sitting just 2 tables away, also alone.

    He desides to call for the waiter.

    "Please send one of those" while he is pointing at the most expensive and best whine bottle " and send it to that table, and tell her that it is from me" he says, while he discrete puts 20$ in the waiters pocket!

    the waiter does this, off course. The whine arrives, but insted of open the bottle, she just gives the waiters a note.

    The waiter walks strait at our mans table, and give him the note.

    It says: "If i open your bottle, you must have a mercedes in your garage, 10 million $ in the bank and 18 cm in your pants!"

    Our man writes a new note, which he give to the waiter, and he gives it to the lady....

    On that note this were wroten down:

    Dear lady. In my garage, there are a Ferrari F40, a Mercedes S600 and a Jaguar XJ12. On my bank acount there are over 90 million $. But you are not freakin hot enough to cut off half Junior (the thing down there you know)!!!! Just send the whine in return you cow :P


  4. Sorry a lot guys. I just cant wait with the question anymore. I really want a answer for that question. YOu know that the armies of Mordor were at least 100 000 at the attack on Gondor but i guess that is a really big number. Something like 3000 or something. I guess it depends on the civ too :P

    and again, forgive me ... :P

  5. Off course gays are people like us. They just dont like women, or guys (if you are a girl). I have no problem talking to a gay, but i do feel a bit wierd while i do. I dont know why... I dont know anyone, i mean i dont have any good friends that are gay, but if one of them was, i would have had him as a friend, and if not a better friend, at least not worse :D

    But there are some things that are negative about gays. forexample, children. I dont think gays should have children. Because that will make the child a bit diffenrent I!! think. Not having a mother can be quite negative! Also its the thing about everybody being gay, NO HUMAN RACE ANYMORE :P

    But Klaas really helped me understand things a bit, thanks :P

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