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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. Well, man, i have deleted it sometime (Really need another HD, only have 120gb). I just deleted a lot of games at the time, to make room for new games, movies and programs!

    Well, ill have to get down to the city and buy the game, i guess its great fun, if i could get pass that stupid Sniper (Which i think there were a bug in my version). Because i could not find him, and when i walked with the road, i got to a place with a lot of guys, but i couldnt kill them ... :drunk::banana:

  2. You really havent heard of the game?

    Timbo: I play it, a bit. Only LAN though ... But its great fun, i guess ill buy it sometime. Though i think nothing beats real Counter Strike when it comes to FPS games :drunk:

    Played Line of sight Vietnam?? Or Tour of Duty? Though Vietcong is the best Vietnam game, i have heard that when you get pass that sniper at the first mission (Which i didnt, and gave up, and never ever played it singleplayer again) its really fun :banana:

  3. Zezar, that'd be fantastic. We could always use more reference materials. And in your own way, you'd be contributing to the game art. ;)

    Well, that cool. Thought you have to wait for some while, i dont have a scanner ;)

    But my friends has! Ill get it sometime in near future :P

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