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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. It's "Eye of the tiger".

    Dunno by whom.

    "And the last known surviver stocks his pray in the night and he's watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeee....of the tiger!"

    *sign* :)

    Its eye of the tiger too right??

    Well anyway:

    "I thought i had all the answers, but baby since youve gone, i admit that i was wrong. All eyes are lost without you, im not called love, how am i gonna be strong without you i need you be my side :)"

  2. Well...

    I just feel i have to ask now, and yes i know there are like 2 threads of this, but there you guys (or we guys) discussed. Here, i want to know what you have planned? Any of the suggestion that was made in the other threads? Anything cool?

    Wijit? CheeZy?? Anyone ? (Like from Home Alone 1, when he is in the basement saying: "Mom", "dad" "Uncle Frank", ANYONE??) nevermind btw. ..

  3. Well, i have had this idea since the "Question and Answer thread" come up!

    I thought that its time to test the thread out :banana:

    I write a song, the chorus or somthing, and you guess what it is. After guessing you put down a new song, that next one have to try to figure out. You dont have to wait to see if you were right! Do you answer, you must write a new song senctence... got it? (Still working on my Eng, so if you didnt understand, tell me.... lol)

    First sentence:

    "I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesnt ever matter. I had to fall, to loose it all, but in the end it doesnt even matter!"

    ... Love from ZeZar :drunk:

  4. Well, my friend, you dont need to send anything. Im allright :banana:

    Yes i have your address, just have to get to my MSN logs... Ill send the coins we use in Norway today, and some older ones, that is in a box in my room. I dont have any need for them :drunk:

    good luck everyone with your collecting :band:

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