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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. Ok, cool :D I can set up a Empires Demo Turnament i think. I have just got back from playing Counter Strike... Me and my clan member Toca played in the Games.no turnament... Loss 11-13. I was really disapointed when i realized we had loss :D lol :D

    Anyway, when is it a good time for everyone ?? And some complications like time difference i annoying.. :D

  2. Well, the only 3D program i use these days, is 3D max. The reason is that 3D max is the only way to mod 0ad right?? Well, anyway, i was thinking of making a mod, when the game comes out. But i dont know anything about scripts, coding +++, The only thing i do know, and thats still at a learing basic fase, is 3D modelling. Well, i have this Norwegian friend, who actually is a member of Innovation Studios, their making a Far Cry mod, called Navy Seals -- Preemtive Operations... Anyway, he promised to help me a lot. But is it hard to mod?? Will there be those easy "/BF 1942/Mods" folders?? I think that mods for 0ad will really take off, because you guys, are like the only studio that accept modding RTS i think :) Well, how hard is it? Can i do it? What sort of programs and knowlengde do i need??

    btw, if anyone will help\join making the mod... please E-mail me :D

    I also have to say, that i cant focus on the mod right know, thinking of my really tight scadual! Anyway, PM me if you want to join up :) And please, someone answer me ... :D lol!

  3. 1. For a long time ago i bought AoE2, AoK. And also the expansion The Conquers. Well, after like 3 years with a lot of playing, the cd said NO. So its didnt work anymore. :D . Though i have the game, got it from LAN, and i can off course, borrow it from a neighboor. But is it AoC, or AoK you play?? Why not Empires Demo?

    Well, i meen that yes. I really dont think i have the time right now. Well, i think i can, but i need help :D

  4. Well, i am pretty active at a big number of forums. (Though not anymore, you know why) And there are often Turnaments in different games, forexample my clan is joining a Turnament on games.no forum. Its CS!

    Well, anyway, my question is..: What games do most of the users here play??

    Well, i can set up turnaments in the following games:

    Empires DotmW (Demoif you guys want)

    Age of Mythology

    Counter Strike

    Half Life

    Warcraft II (And FT)

    Wolfenstein ET

    This is the games, maybe more, and I know most of you guys play AoK, but i have never played it Online!! ;)

    But is there any other games you like to play?

    Is this a bad idea?

    How many each team? 2v2? 3v3? 1v1?

    Anything else to add? Any questions??

    Love, ZeZar :D;)

  5. Well, Randy, saw your post :D;)

    It really sound like om dead ... lol. Off course i will drop by, but really not as much as i did (I were here at least once a day). And really nice that you are visiting our forum, but most of it is in Norwegian... We have (only) 18 members, and like 3 of them are not Norwegians ;)

    Have to say though, that the WFG forums, are and will always be my favourite forum. Its were i feel i belong most :D So thanks everyone :D :D

  6. Hello. Its ZeZar here ;)

    As many of you know, i am the Leader of (WarLord) clan. This clan is really growing lately, and we have a lot of PCW-s and the forum is really active. So i really have little time left for WFG forum nowadays. Im really soory. When i ge time, ill drop by and post as usual, and i will post, but not very much, and read more than post. I WILL be active in the Core discussion, but there isnt very much going on lately...

    Well, thats al for now, (And yea, even Timbo cant get me to post as much as i did)...

    Please drop by in our Forum: http://s3.invisionfree.com/Warlord

    Or the Webpage (soon coming) www.warlordclan.com :D;)

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