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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. Well, in my book (C++ for dummies) it says that to first learn C, is just a waste of time, and that the book explain everything.

    Can you articulate why learning at least a little bit of C before C++ is a "waste of time"?

    If i knew what "articulate" is :)

    But i think i knwo what you mean... And i dont have much an answer my friend. I dont know about it, it was just something that was written in the book. And i feel its not necessary to read 2 big books, when you can read only 1.. :D But i dont know lad :D !

  2. Wow, I voted no, but you guys get them so early! But I doubt Argalius and chichigrande are telling the truth.


    I got mine, if i didnt say, when i was 12. It lasted in like 6 days, and i had new GF every week or something that year... :)

    After that year, i only have had one realtionship, and i was 14 years old. It was really hard when that ended, but still, its was good .... because; I WAS SINGLE AGAIN :D !! And know i have been single in 2 years, and its GOOD :D !!

  3. My clan playes CS alot, we have 2 teams. Team #1 and Team #2. Im pretty bad, so i am in Team #2. We also have this cool thing, so team #1 members who play bad, replace spot with the best (atm) team #2 member.... Anyway, i play a lot of CS, not on XboX though, only Computer :D

  4. Well, i seriusly HATE the sea battles, i so often loose the sight, and to have a war at both sea and land, is really tough !

    I also are really looking forwared to play the game at LAN, and when its ready, the mod in it :) !!

    I think if the big LAN we are hosting is a success, we probebly will have 0ad for it next year, we will have a big contest, (Compo) in the game :) !!

  5. What is your, like favourite thing about 0ad ?

    Please dont use any of these:

    Its free

    Its cool

    I like it

    Dont have any .. :D

    Anyway, i like the way they are making the game, like, help things to modders, support modders, nice scn editor, and as far as my experience is, they actually listen to us fans :D !!! :):)

  6. Ok, just thought about the interview with Jason a time ago, and found out its time to make a thread about it. WHAT IS HAPPENING??? How come you suddendly wont have units walking ON walls?? Its really something i have looked forward too, and one of the main reasons to mod this nice game. (ok, best reasons: I know most of you guys, and its free, so most people out there will have it).

    How come you know only "maybe in a expansion pack"?? ARGH!!

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