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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. Heh there were some pretty interesting April fool pranks this year :)

    At school a kid faked a seizure and freaked out the teacher, then got up and said april fools. It was brilliant.

    And online, Zen, chief tech guy at HeavenGames said he's resigning and everyone completely flipped out, including me (I was like "WHAT?!" outloud, literaly) but the link in his sig linked to an april fools E-card and someone caught that.

    :) !!

    hahah! Well, not much in Norway this year, sorry! Last year there were some neat stuff though !

  2. :D!!

    Its not funny dude :D (OK, kind of)!

    How come i always gets wierd titles in every forum i visit?

    In this other forum i post a lot in, games.no forum, i have this "Special". Like in norwegian is more like: unnatural! I am really known for having wierd, and really stupid views on different issues!

    Well, WHO DID IT?? Removed my lovely elvish title ...:P I have worked SO much with that title .. :P

    Please, tell me who you are... And can i edit it back? I wont, because i feel its up to "the mods" to deside what title i should have ... ?

    Anyway, im not THAT a big thread starter, look at Timmie !!

    Just found out that my lovely Elvish title is still there.... wierd.. :P Anyway, now i have no prob, but you can still tell me who you are. .:P

  3. My dad often bugs me about girls. I don't talk to him about this subject because frankly, this isn't anything to say (just take a look at my sig and you know why). But he assumes I'm just keeping secrets....... <_<

    Lol, like in American Pie ?

    I guess it happens with boys as well no ?

    Well, no! Girls are like the things that are careful! its like, if a guy goes out, its cool! If a girl goes out, its like" WHO IS HE, and so on ...". Thats what i have the impression of... :D Im tired btw!! :D

  4. A LOT of gf threads lately.. .:=)

    So Timmie (or Timbo, just found out how cool Timmie is), got lucky with the girl that allready had a bf ??

    Well, its cool :)

    You need to BE YOURSELF, if they dont like you, you still has the gf right ?? What would you do with the parents ? I know, wedding.. :P They like you, just not right now.. :) It will come friend, i promise... !!

    Just dont :) in front of them ... :P:yiepie:

  5. I first found out about tla when it was still being run by Joseph. I was try ing to find a decent LotR scenario for AoK.  When I googled it I found an old One Ring.net interveiw. And the rest is history

    Well, are you the Knight from that studio, whats it called... Cant remember .. :muaha: Merios or something+ ?

  6. Side note: I like the way Battlefield 1942 (and I assume other games) had a \mods folder, and the game itself was essentially a "mod". :)

    Yes, i agree!

    @Zeustor: Well, thats what i thought too, so its good!! But at the time 0ad comes out, there are some more very easy editable games out, like the one that are coming in 6 months, DoF! Which also supports a lot higher Poly! But you know, this game is what i will go for, since i allready now the community and like really much that you are doing it for free ! :)

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