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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. Hi again Acumen!

    Yes, i do got the impression, but not anymore... But the last thread, i had that impression, because i felt that no one wanted to answer me properly!!!

    Though, you did really well here, and thanks a lot for the answers!! We arent gonna do much serius stuff right know, are we Curu ?

    But a lot of planning, sketching and some modeling will be done. And get some forum activity is also something we need to work with !!

  2. Well, hi again! I have some Q about modding! And please answer me, its better to say "We dont know at this time" than not answering :) !

    1. Is there gonna be a \0ad\mods folder? I know that models will be shipping IN .scn files, but what if you want to add a nation ?

    2. Is there a SDK (Or whatever its called) like in most FPS games?

    3. What do you think of 0ad modders?

    4. Will modders gte some early Beta stuff? Like early Scn editor +++, so we can make the scn for the mod ready for 0ads release?

    5. How hard is changing the sounds?

    6. Will Gameplay features be able to change?

    7. How will you guys react if i want to make a Total Conversion mod? You know, change everything from Sounds, units and buildings, to some grapich and gameplay changes +++ ??

    Well, thats all for know! Thanks for answering me (if you do) love from ZeZar

    btw, ill give you guys info of the mod if you want ?

  3. Lol!

    Isnt there one of these threads ??

    Well, anyway, im listening to Linkin Park -- Dont Stay

    "Dont stay, forget our memories, forget our posibilities, what you were changing me into, just give me myself back and dont stay, forget our memories, forget our posibilieties, take all your helplessness with you ... Dont stay"

    Oh, now it switched to Brooooooooken Promises !!

  4. @Randy : Well, good idea moving it :muaha:

    Yep, i didnt know either, well i knew about the Morrowind mod, but didnt have a WebPage for it, and not the others either !

    MAN!!! Im so dumb!! I deleted Medieval for like 2 weeks ago, thought it was not fun to play when i was done with the SP :D ! I dont have it on a CD!

    Edit: What about ShadowFlares mod ??

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