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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. I'm still thinking about Melissa and hoping she'll reply to my latest email...that and the excitement of my job starting at 3 o'clock today!

    hmm, very nice. You have a pic of her?? I have a Q though... Whats a mormor ??

    On topic:: I am thinking of how to get my clan better, with all these new members coming, and how to encrease the forum activity even more ( We had really low for some time, but know we have like 100 posts a day or something). Also i thinkin about the mod, and when to get the mods homepage on the web. Also i am thinkin of my SO STUPID AND UNECESSARY math test tomorrow :lol: !!

  2. My life-long dream would be to become rich and powerful, while my brother is a bum. Then I can life at my superiority over him.

    Oh, you love him at the bottom as i do with my brother(s).

    Anyway, i have 2 "dreams", makeing a mod/game and to get the tele company to get their ***es in gear and build ADSL central where i live, so i dont have to have my SLOW connection :) !!

  3. I love bets. Me and my father bet something about LotR 3 times, and all the times the prize were 100$. He has never read LotR, but i have, so i won all three times. Easy made 300$ after my opinion :P

    Well, he must be your slave man.. :P

    @Bobby: You must stop with the punch in the face, i have this impression that you are a really violent person :) Though you are a great and kind person :P !!

  4. By the way, are you a girl?

    I think you can guess that now.

    Hint 1: Look at my avatar.

    Hint 2:

    I had a girlfriend.

    Hint 3: I'm not lesbian.

    Can you guess it now?


    Looking at your avatar, i thought you were a guy. I dont have like hot guy in my avatar kind of... If its not you .. If it is, you are really hot :P Where do you live ?? .. :P

    Anyway, HF GL :P !!

    Ok, now im not dumb.. :P You are a guy :P !!

  5. Starts off with Empires: DTMW, I beat the scenario a long time ago, played allot of SP, now i'm going to MP.

    We just HAVE to play sometime then!! Empires SP after my opinion sucks, its really bad. But thats just me :P

    Online the game beats about every game i think, thought they have had some problems with a few things :P

    Anyway, we gotta play sometime :)

  6. Back by popular demand, its, the penguin avatar--> penguin.gif

    hehe, i saw that penguin on TV, AND THE OTHER PENGUIN DIDNT PUSH THE FIRST ONE!!!... .:D lol, i might be pretty stupid i guess, because i actually believed it did.. :D

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