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Posts posted by ZeZar

  1. Were is the updates? I cant find any updates on the TLA page ... Is it just nothing new or??

    The news system has been down since that Noldorin Scout was posted a long time ago :brow: currently DarkAngel is trying to fix it.

    As for substantive updates on the site - I suppose an update is long overdue - but if you'll just be patient, we'll be able to begin publicly releasing the technology lists very soon :brow: :brow:

    Thanks Adam!

  2. Well, i really experienced one thing. My HD really didnt wanted to be found sometimes for a time back. The only thinng i could do, was to shake my HD and plug it in again. Well, i solved this problem better, by blow som air in the cable. And voila, i never heva experienced that problem again

    I really dont know if this is anything you wanted in this thread, so delete if its not!

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