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Everything posted by iNtRePiD

  1. You have to relate the story to the time and the place. I haven't read the book myself in over 5 years, as it was part of our grade 9 curriculum, so I am a little hazy on the details. But I remember it being a very enjoyable read overall. In what grade is To Kill a Mocking Bird a requirement in the United States, or where you live in the United States?
  2. You Yanks are quite the uncultured bunch. To Kill a Mocking Bird is a literary classic of excellent caliber. I cannot think or a more heroic character then Atticus Finch. The only reason I can see for disliking it is if you come from the Deep South.
  3. The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence This fantastic piece of Canadian Literature was a requirement in the old OAC curriculum, which is the only reason I read it and it is the only reason that any one should read it. This story deals with the tale of a 90 year old women named Hagar Shipley who is approaching death. She spends good portion of the book re living her past before she dies. Now at glance this sounds somewhat interesting, as it seems through the novel you might be able to get a perspective about the last century from small town woman. Do not be mistaken. The protagonist, Hagar, is the most repulsive character you have ever met. By the end of the first page you start wishing that death would finish her off already. With an amazing three pages to go Hagar on her deathbed realizes that she has wasted her life being arrogant gasbag and she tries with her desperate last few breaths to correct all the mistakes she has made, but she is too late and she dies, the end. When you come to the conclusion to this novel, it dawns on you “I am never going to get these hours I wasted reading this book back”. You begin to wish that you had cracked yourself over the head with a brick and spent those hours you used reading the book lying on floor in a puddle of your own fluids. I actually enjoyed “To Kill a Mocking Bird” it has been one of the better pieces of literature that I have been forced to read. If you enjoy stories about decrepit old ladies who have bowel problems and enjoy to candidly tell the reader this for pages on end, then The Stone Angel is for you. The only possible book that contends this one for the worst piece of literature ever produced would be the adaptation of “The Glass Menagerie”.
  4. It was the mutliplayer component that really fell apart and helped to erode my taste in AoM.
  5. All of it. Age of Mythology had really high production values; everything for the most part looked and sounded great. The campaign had an enjoyable story line that was fun to play through. You had several unique civilizations that gave you a different playing experience every time you played as another civilization. The music was fantastic and there were tonnes of downright cool graphic effects. However, the game itself wasn’t all that fun. All these great components came together but they some how created a mediocre result. It took quite a while to realize this. I kept playing and playing Age of Mythology while not really enjoying it. At first I thought it would just take some time to get use to the mechanics and the style of the game, but in the end I found that the game just wasn’t that enjoyable to play.
  6. Age of Mythology is a very interesting situation. The production values for the game were extremely high in almost every area (expect for sounds, the multiplayer interface and the editor). But the core game play left something to be desired.
  7. Maybe that put HG in the financial crisis, or at least in a dilemma that forced it to cut away some of the space being used up. The other thing that is a little suspicious is that Park wasn't consulted on the deletion of the site.
  8. I am pretty disappointed as that was where all my work was and was going. There has been somewhat of a community outburst and shock at the deletion of EEH. This seems to have surprised the HG staff, which shows how little research was put into determining whether EEH was dead or not. My theory is that HG is in some sort of financial crisis; though this was disputed by one of the members of the HG staff it still makes the most sense.
  9. It was too bad that Nil (A new version of Liero) was cancelled. It was going to support LAN play for up to 12 people
  10. Liero - This is Worms on steriods http://www.acid-play.com/download/Liero.php
  11. It is pretty good considering that you can get it for free. But there are other free first person shooters that are far superior.
  12. If there is one thing that 0AD can take away from Empire Earth, it is how to build a proper editor. I would deeply disappointed if I saw a AoK/AoM style editor come out for this game.
  13. - ScnPunk - Empire Earth Heaven - Empires Heaven - Woad Creations - WFG - DGDN - Tsunami I use to visit Age of Mythology Heaven, but I am trying to curb that impulse of mine to go visit there. I seem to go there as a force of habit.
  14. Forgetting to include Canada is simply unforgivable; especially since you included Antarctica.
  15. A computer player is considered a player; hence Empire Earth supports 16 players in single player mode. Play that is not conducted online is referred to as single player. In this sense "player" is referring to the number of human players as opposed to the previous use of "player" which refers to either a computer or human player. Single player has been refined as a term over the years to constitute any play that occurs offline. I can see how using it in such a context can be confusing, but it really isn't meant to be.
  16. Empire Earth did not support up to 16 players in multiplayer. It supported up to 16 players in single player.
  17. Age of Kings is without a doubt the best RTS game ever made. I am really starting to doubt that we will see any game reach its caliber again.
  18. Story Half - life: The story was interesting and well thought out. I liked how cinematics were not required to tell the story. Action Day of Defeat: This is with out a doubt the single best online FPS ever made, even though it is a modification for Half-Life. Realism Day of Defeat: This is the only realistic World War II FPS. Many other FPS claim to be realistic, but none of them have even come close to Day of Defeat. Overrated - Anything with Medal of Honour in the title - Anything with Unreal in the title - Battlefield 1942
  19. New quality members seem to be hard to come by these days. I know that Punk is having an incredibly hard time getting new people to join.
  20. lol angel not angle Unfortunately, I am only human and thus I am prone to make mistakes every once and awhile.
  21. I competly agree with you DarkAngelBGE. However, I don't want to hand out ban notices to people either. It is better just to leave some people alone and not bother responding or respond in moderation.
  22. Every team has its own features that make it unique. DGDN: DGDN has is the largest team that has the most active community. Tsunami: Tsunami tends to design more fantasy-based scenarios. Woad: Woad tends to design more historical European based scenarios. Scn Punk: Scn Punk really doesn't have any defining point, but it is the oldest and the smallest of the big four.
  23. I should point out that a lot of the troublemakers you meet on the ScnPunk website are not actually members of ScnPunk. Those that are not members of ScnPunk just seem to like to loiter around the forums for some reason or other.
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