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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Agreed!! I had the same hesitation before I "made the switch". Once I did, I wondered why I didn't do it sooner! :wine:

    The AdBlock plugin is priceless... you can even block ads by entire domains! I barely see any image ads anymore.

  2. New hard drives are one of the biggest reasons to upgrade your BIOS, as many older motherboards have capacity limits. The best way to find out if a BIOS flash will help is to find your motherboard manufacturer's website and look up your specific model. Almost all manufacturers will have a section for BIOS updates, and usually have a "release notes" document that details what is updated in each new version.

    If you do try to upgrade your BIOS, double-check each step. :lol: If you flash the wrong file or reboot the computer before the process is complete, you could risk turning your motherboard into an expensive doorstop. Fortunately, most boards will allow you to reset the BIOS to factory default (removing the bad code that was flashed) with a jumper.

  3. @Desmond: I've used CDex too; very good audio ripper :lol:

    @evilHurdle: I don't have any personal recommendations on MP3 players, but the other suggestions so far look good.

    This is a computer-related topic so I'll move it to the Computer Desk.

  4. pictures in newsposts now have to be placed between two paragraphs of text instead of, say, next to one?

    Actually, this system should allow the same types of things we did with the phpBB system. I believe we were using tables to do the "text wrapping" effect you describe, since HTML can't do it natively. Check the "Romans" topic, there's text wrapping around an image there.

  5. The plight of the neighborhood repairman :lol: I know exactly what you mean!

    About a month ago, a guy down the street said his grandma wanted me to work on her computer. She brought it over and said the CD-ROM drive was broken and needed to be replaced. Normally, a "broken" CD-ROM drive just means the cable got unplugged or the BIOS stopped detecting it, but I knew that something was a little different here when they handed me the drive and some very tiny gears from the INSIDE! How the tray got yanked out hard enough to rip a gear out is beyond me. They said they wanted it to look "original", so apparently getting a generic drive wouldn't be the best fix.

    Anyway, since the computer is an old Gateway machine, the CD-ROM drive had a special configuration (long curved plastic on the end of the tray, front cover ripped off so the computer's bezel button and LED will fit the drive). Basically, I needed to find the exact drive for a 5-7 year old computer :P I finally found it (under a different part number) on eBay and ordered it last night; hope it fits!

  6. If anyone is scratching their heads over our confusing "backend" forum structure, allow me to explain.

    We are using the forums in conjunction with the IPB SDK to create a data-driven site, much like the temporary phpBB site currently online. The website scripts pull data from specified forum topics/categories and output them to the website, allowing us to easily change the content without any HTML editing or FTP/SCP uploading.

    This new "0 A.D. Website" category and associated forums are where the website data is being stored. Originally, we were planning on putting the top-level website categories, "Game Info", "Developers", and "Community" inside (underneath) the "Page Content" forum. Unfortunately, it appears that IPB has a maximum subforum limit of 2, which won't work since each of the top-level categories have subforums of their own.

    The scripts don't care where the forum topics are; they only need an ID to pull the post out and allow us to manipulate it. The backend structure is only set up to organize the topics to make it easier to edit the page's content.

    So, for now, we are going to stick to this slightly counter-intuitive structuring of the "database". If my memory serves me correctly, IPB2.0 allows infinite subforums; when we upgrade our forum software we will re-evaluate the structure.

  7. If you can see any model numbers, manufacturer names, identification codes, or anything else on the sound card itself, that might give you something to go on. Try typing the model numbers into Google and see what you can find.

    Another good place to check is www.driverguide.com. They require a registration, but it's free and well worth it! I've downloaded quite a few drivers from their site and it's a very useful service IMHO.

  8. Well spotted, may I also point out something I posted before that hasn't been fixed
    In the following you will a few rules regarding the usage of smilies. Please stick to them as otherwise life will be a lot harder for those with sloq connections.

    Maybe a "sloq" connection is a new type of dialup. :lol:

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