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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. I've had this problem before - it's a bit tough to find a free database program worth its' salt. I think OpenOffice does have some type of database "thingy", but it's not standalone IIRC.

    I wasn't able to find a decent application and ended up using a Microsoft Works program to do what I needed. :) (I was at someone else's house and away from my computer)

  2. Yeah, I'm not so sure this was illegal - it could very easily (IMHO) fall under fair use, since he legally owns the game. Obviously, if he was trying to get a crack so he could pirate the game, this thread would have been blasted into oblivion already :)

  3. How do you log in as root anyway? I know how to log in as root when using the Mandrakelinux Control Center thing or setting the clock or stuff, but how do I use root permissions when using Konqueror or is that not possible?

    I'm a Linux "noob-in-training", but would the sudo command work for you? You can enter that straight from the Konqueror "Run" dialog (Alt-F2 if I remember right).

  4. I think I'll wait a few days as well, so I have a minimal "extension withdrawl" period. :)

    @Klaas: It's hard to say, but I tend to think it must be an alliance. Why wouldn't Google want to team up with Mozilla? It makes sense to merge those two increasingly-popular names.

    I believe MS is getting nervous now ;)

    Yeehaw! ;)

  5. Will my current partitions be damaged? It doesn't matter because I've got nothing on it, but I would like to know.

    Possibly, it all depends on how far it got into the process of repartitioning. If they are damaged, the Linux installation program should have no trouble deleting and recreating them.

  6. So.... umm.... any idea on when it will b done partitioning?

    It's been partitioning several days already and it's not showing any signs of stopping (not that I would recognise one, but...).

    :beer: That's quite odd. Is there a progress meter? Which partitioning application are you using?

    Since it's an old PC with an old, small hard drive, it's bound to take a while. A few days is a bit longer than what I'd expect, though...

  7. never heard of that but it sounds cool. although does the google corperation allow the use of this or is this somethign they wwuld coniisder an ilegal modifcation etc?

    Not sure. I'd guess that they probably don't care at this point, but I could be wrong.

  8. Lol I just keep old PCs lying about, you never know when a part might be of any use

    Same here :beer:

    Just a thought -- if your Dad was going to trash the computer anyway, you could take the hard drive out and completely format it for use with Linux, instead of trying to resize the partitions.

  9. Well, it appears that Kerry has officially conceded. As Jason said, he would have needed a nearly statistically impossible amount of the provisional ballots to come out in his favor in Ohio. Also, a good portion of the provisional ballots are likely to be discarded due to being illegitimate.

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