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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Is building a computer hard? Or expensive? (Not an insane ;)  one like you have, a normal one)

    Because I would love to finally get a computer that doesn't have it's entire hard drive filled up with a Windows partition an doesn't have a crappy graphics card.

    I'm sick of the extremely cheap computers we buy where most of the money is for an OS I don't need anyway.

    No, it's not hard. It's actually quite simple, in my opinion. Here is an excellent guide aimed at someone who has never built a PC before. It breaks it down step-by-step and explains everything thoroughly. In fact, I think that choosing which parts to buy is harder than assembling the components themselves - seriously! :)

    What's great about building your own PC is that you can customize it exactly the way you want, and you often save a good amount of money over retail stores. I've never bought a PC at a retail store or online retail store - my current PC was a barebones system I got at a local shop and upgraded through the years. Not quite as good as building one myself, but still way better than buying it retail. If and when I get a completely new PC, I'll build it completely from scratch.

    Nice rig, Brian! :P That should last you for quite a few years to come.

  2. "Upset" is understandable, but "violent" not. Artest makes millions of dollars playing a GAME for ENTERTAINMENT and he gets so upset that he's hit with a paper cup that he feels free to charge into the stands and start swinging away (hitting someone that didn't throw the cup)? This isn't his only incident either. Thugs like him should be fired. End of story. Thug fans should be banned from the arena. End of story.

    I agree with this one hundred percent. I voted "Other" because I think that it's both the fans' AND the players' faults that this happened. Throwing beer and other items at the players is completely unacceptable, as is losing your mind and going into a blind rage. Artest could have kept his cool, acted like a professional, and let the fan get in trouble for what he did. Instead, he did just the opposite and acted extremely immaturely and extremely unprofessionally.

    In my book, both sides are equally to blame for this. Furthermore, all these complaints by Artest, the "Player's Union", and other entities that the punishments were too strict is completely baseless.

    Brace yourselves, here come the lawsuits. :) (groan)

    I personally Would support a rule that only allows alchoholic beverage sales during the first half of the game only or something along that order.

    I would be fully in favor of this, as well -- in fact, I think that some stadiums do this already.

  3. That computer has problems with power saving features. Whenever I put the computer on Stand-by, it refuses to acknowledge the fact that my router is there.

    Yeah, I tend to shy away from the Stand By option, except on my laptop. It seems to me that desktops don't handle it as well; plus, it doesn't really make sense for a desktop in the first place. I'd rather either leave it on, or hibernate it :)

  4. Aren't you guys waisting a lot of electricity that way? I dunno about the US, but electricity is very expensive around here.

    Well, I have my monitor set to go into standby after 15 minutes or so; the monitor is frequently the biggest energy draw of the whole system.

    Last I checked, electricity was $0.06/kwh (6 cents per kilowatt hour) here. So, if my computer draws 300W (a good estimate), it should cost roughly $14 a month to keep running 24/7.

    Yes, my parents pay the electric bill, but I try to make sure I'm not costing them too much :)

  5. # This post is parsed line-by-line to populate the "Available Positions" combobox in appform.php

    # Lines starting with '#' are ignored, as are blank lines

    Texture Artist - Samples Required

    Animator - Samples Required

    AI Programmer

    Audio Programmer (OpenAL)

    Gameplay Programmer (C++, JavaScript, XML)

    Gameplay Scripter (JavaScript, XML)

    GUI Programmer/Scripter

    Network (Multiplayer) Programmer

    OGL Programmer (Visual Effects)

    Tool Programmer (wxWidgets)

    Sound Effects Specialist

    #Assistant Producer

  6. Are you saying that Windows and Linux use a totally different code?

    I will change the wind*ws :)

    Yes - that's why you can't take Windows programs and run them directly on a Linux system without an emulator like WINE. The same applies to other OSes - Mac OS can't run Windows apps, either ;)

  7. So when an error is found, it could be a code for Netscape and which wouldn't work in IE and the other way around?

    When an error is found, that means that the site does not comply with the official W3C rules. Most likely, however, the site will still display in moderm browsers -- only because they support "incorrect" code. :)

    The best practice is to make sure your code conforms to the specifications set by the W3C. That way, you can be sure that modern and future browsers will display your site the way it's supposed to look.

  8. A lot of WYSIWYG editors will produce buggy code.

    The only way to guarantee you have complaint code is to write it yourself.

    Or do what I do: Use a WYSIWYG editor and do a quick cleanup after. :)

    I've got Dreamweaver UltraDev 4, and it doesn't take much tweaking to get the code to validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional. The biggest problem is closing <br> tags ;)

    IIRC, Dreamweaver MX 2004 (the newest version) can be configured to generate fully-compliant code, or very close to it.

  9. Why do you all keep your PC on at night, I don't see any use in that ...

    I leave mine on because it's easier than always turning it on and off. That's not to say that I don't turn it off - I hibernate (save RAM to disk) during severe thunderstorms - but my computer is normally on 24/7.

    There is some debate over whether or not leaving a computer on all the time is less stress than the inital power-on (which is quite stressful for the components). I tend to believe that it's much healthier to leave it idling (or crunching for distributed computing projects, in my case ;)) than to power on and off frequently.

    Plus, I have an always-on broadband connection. :) It'd make less sense (at least to me) to leave my computer on all the time if I had a dialup connection.

  10. I can beat that number in bytes easily ;). Unfortunately it wraps around to 0 when it reaches 4,294,967,296, at least in Windows 2000, so I can never tell how much I've actually downloaded :) (Anyone know a way around that problem?)

    On a 576Kbps link (ADSL, I assume)? How often are you saturating your connection?

    Here's mine after a few days.

  11. How about a boot disk? If you need to erase the master boot record, you can run fdisk /mbr from one of the Windows 9x boot disks.

    I concur with Mark, however -- the only reason the keyboard wouldn't work would be if USB keyboards weren't natively supported (AFAIK, they are on newer motherboards, correct me if I'm wrong). In that case, how'd you get Linux installed the first time?

    If push comes to shove, hunting down a PS/2 keyboard shouldn't be that hard :)

    EDIT: Found this at random; it may be of some help ;)

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