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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Not surprising at all. B) Despite Microsoft's efforts to push SP2 as a security-minded service pack - promotional materials call it "Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies", as if a basic firewall hasn't ever been implemented before - it's still going to have bugs. Of course, any software product will have bugs, but security-related bugs are less acceptable in a product that costs upwards of $100-200!

    In my opinion, Microsoft should ditch the current codebase and rewrite everything for Longhorn. Obviously, that's not going to happen, but eventually they won't be able to squeeze anything else out of the current code. I think that a complete rewrite (a la Windows NT) with a focus on security would do wonders. Perhaps Blackcomb will be this sort of release...

  2. About the hint of blurryness - good old JPG compression, it seems to take the colorful "bang" out of pixels on the screen which some people might see as blurryness. I think that'll explain it.

    Perhaps using the PNG format rather than JPEG compression would help? According to this, it's a lossless format.

  3. When you quote a text in a comment on the 0AD site, only QUOTE appears above the text and nothing else, not a box or something like you see on the forum. I wonder if it could be changed because that would make it much clearer.  :D

    Fixed - thanks for pointing this out. 'Tis looking much better now B)

  4. @Michael: LOL, you started my day off with a smile with "artichoke filtering"! :D

    It doesn't really look blurry to me. As Michael said, the almost "hyper-realistic" look is because of certain graphics card features. (I believe it's anisotroptic filtering, but it could be antialiasing... or something entirely different! B))

  5. Sounds like the login cookie isn't being stored correctly. Perhaps you have your cookie-related settings set very strictly (unlikely to be the problem), or you simply need to delete and 'start fresh'. That's worked for me before, I believe - click "Delete all cookies set by this board" at the bottom of the index page and see if that helps.

    BTW, it's spelled "weird". B)

  6. I just put that thing about 16 forums since all the other ones judge by how many forums or post you have.

    Maybe others, but not us. :D Welcome to the community, Clayton! I'm sure you'll have a great time here.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think there are any open staff positions involving Final Fantasy or anime... B)

  7. I'm up for a game of good 'ole Age of Kings :P

    Perhaps we could use a channel on some IRC server (QuakeNet?) as the meeting place. IMHO that would be easier than attempting to agree on an IM platform or get everyone set up with a voice chat client (TeamSpeak). IRC clients are nearly ubiquitous :P

    It'd be neat if we had a weekly (or monthly?) WFG AoK forum party. :P Of course, the logistics of actually getting a game going between multiple people on varying levels of Internet bandwidth and connectivity (direct connection, NAT'ed connection, ISP-level NAT, firewalls...) are always fun to deal with. :P

  8. Thanks Klaas, it's all working now, rep IOU :P

    EDIT: Oh yeah, one question, how do you insert the address of the page being viewed with PHP? eg.

    <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=<?php whatever ?>">Valid CSS</a>

    For what you are trying to do, you could do:

    <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">Valid CSS</a>

    Or, to answer your question directly:

    <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://your.domain.com/<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">Valid CSS</a>

    I believe what Dnas said is correct - the above works, but may not be the best coding practice. Klaas will know for sure :P

  9. I want to. All 3 EEs at once would be over 11 hours. That would be fun.

    We're actually going to do that in a few days - we've been waiting for the RoTK EE to be released. :P We're going to invite over a few friends who love LOTR and watch all three EEs in a row, on our wall (using an LCD projector).

    I think we'll have to start fairly early in the morning so we have a chance of ending at a decent hour. Anyhow, it'll be quite fun! :P

  10. Hmm... but I thought NTFS isn't fully reverse-engineered yet.

    AFAIK, you're right. I think Knoppix only has read-only NTFS support.

    If the Knoppix boot menu could have an option to boot from hard drive, then you would never have to take the CD out at all! Just a thought smile.gif.

    I'm pretty sure you can install Knoppix to a hard drive, if that's what you are referring to.

  11. I tend to leave windows - such as Firefox sessions, open folders, and documents - open until I'm "done" with them. For example, if I'm planning on showing someone a web page, I am apt to simply leave an instance of Firefox open until I'm able to. I *could* bookmark the page, but having it down in my system tray acts as a reminder for me.

    Just curious: does anyone else here do this?

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