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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. I don't celebrate Halloween so I'll probably be joining Black Op in front of my computer. :( If I were to dress up, I'd probably want to be an elf -- anyone remember Quellion's Nandor unit concepts? :(

    Slightly OT: I went to a really fun Fall Festival the other night... 'twas a great time! They had a rock wall (you get in a harness and climb up a semi-fake rock wall - probably about 20 feet high). One of the guys who was running it said I climbed it faster than anyone had so far that night. :(

  2. Formatting didn't help me, I formatted the hard drive and the Linux boot menu still came up and complained at me when it couldn't find any files :(

    OT: Yes, the boot loader (I'm assuming it's LILO) will not be erased after a reformat. This should be of assistance to you; I was able to use the "fdisk /mbr" command on my Mom's computer to remove LILO.

    Back on topic: I've got a Windows XP SP2 machine (plus an SP1 laptop). I run MS Virtual PC 2004 on my main machine, so I also have a Windows 98SE "machine". :(

  3. The BootIt NG demo I mentioned does partition resizing in a fairly user-friendly way. I haven't had any problems with it (used it a couple of times when messing with Linux myself). Yes, it does do non-destructive repartitioning (called "resizing" in that app) :(

    You may actually be able to find a cheap used HD on eBay or perhaps the AnandTech For Sale forum. I've bought a couple of items from other members on that forum and haven't had problems. (Most sellers/buyers on the Anandtech forums use a site called HeatWare to track ratings similar to eBay's way of doing seller ratings, so you can check in advance if others recommend a particular seller)

    Just some thoughts :(

  4. The easiest way to do this is to get a second hard drive to run Linux off of. Even a smaller (10-20GB) drive will work fairly well, AFAIK.

    If you are unable to obtain a secondary hard drive, it's possible to repartition your existing hard drive to create a "Linux partition" to install to. However, I wouldn't exactly recommend this action on a hard drive with important (or un-backed up) data on it. The repartitioning program shuffles a *lot* of data around, and there's always a chance something could get goobered up along the way. (Even more so if working with a boot drive)

    A little while ago, I used a program called BootIt NG to repartition a secondary hard drive for a Mandrake installation. The free demo download works well enough for basic partition resizing and such. Apparently, the full version also functions as a boot loader/manager, but I've never tried it.

    Many programs can handle OS selection at boot time. Linux comes with a boot loader called LILO that can handle this, though there are many, many other boot manager applications available. I can't vouch for any besides LILO, which I've used very briefly in the past.

  5. Are you trying to set up a private or public server? Setting up a public server on a home computer isn't a *great* idea, due to security and practicality issues.

    I've got Uniform Server set up on my computer as a private (development) server. I really like how it works (just unpack and run - no installation or registry "dust").

    As for domains, the easiest way to get a domain pointing to your IP is with a "dynamic DNS" service such as DynDNS or No-IP (my favorite). Once you register (free), you can set up a hostname such as yourname.no-ip.com and use their client software to automatically update the hostname to your IP when it changes.

    If you wanted a "true" domain, you could always register a domain with someone like GoDaddy and point it to your IP. That route is a bit more involved though :)

  6. Sure we could do it, but we will need some more tags for that, for example
     or [java][/java] as 
     is too broad. 


    Seperate tags wouldn't be that bad, since the [code] tag already displays a "php" graphic in the right side of the code block. For tags like [java] or [html], that could be changed to the correct text :)

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