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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Here are mine. I wasn't aware of what ListZilla did - thanks Dnas! :wine:

    Generated Tue Sep 21 2004 11:34:26 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time)

    Enabled Extensions: (26)

    Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages

    Add Bookmark Here 0.5.2 - A convenient way to add bookmarks.

    Allow Right-Click 0.1 - Defeats web sites' right-click prevention scripts.

    Bandwidth Tester 0.4 - Tells you the bandwidth of your current internet connection.

    BugMeNot 0.6 - Bypass compulsory web registration with the context menu via www.bugmenot.com.

    Clone Window 0.2.2 - Clones the current tab into each new window.

    CookieCuller 1.1.0 - Extended Cookie Manager--protect/unprotect selected cookies

    Delicious Delicacies 0.2 - Restores our favorite placeholder text.

    DictionarySearch 0.6.3 - Looks up selected word in an online dictionary

    Diggler 0.7 - A tool for power users

    Download Statusbar 0.9.0 - View downloads in an auto-hide statusbar.

    Launchy 3.2.0 - Open links and mailto's with external applications like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Outlook etc

    ListZilla 0.4 - Outputs a list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.

    Magpie 3.1.2 - Media Collection Tools

    MiniT (drag+indicator) 0.3 - Adds tab dragging with drop place indicator.

    Mouse Gestures 0.9.20040913 - Allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures.

    Mozilla Calendar 0.8+ - A calendar client based on iCal standard

    Nuke Anything 0.2 - Allow hiding of almost anything via context menu

    OpenBook 1.0 - Automatically opens the bookmarks tree in the Add Bookmark dialog.

    OpenDownload 0.2 - Allows you to open any file from the internet into the OS assigned program.

    SpellBound 0.6.0 - Composer Spell Checker ported to Firefox

    Translate 0.5.8 - Translate web pages and/or selected text to different languages

    User Agent Switcher 0.6 - Adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser.

    WeatherFox 0.4 - Get the weather in any toolbar or statusbar!

    Web Developer 0.8 - Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.

    googlebar - The Googlebar for Firefox

    Disabled Extensions: (5)

    BlockFall 0.6 - A falling blocks game, with hexagonal and triangular variants

    Jump Link 1.1 - Open redirect links. Directly! (e.g. in Hotmail messages without going through the frame window).

    Super DragAndGo 0.2.3 - Drag a link or anything like a uri (e.g. "abc.com" ), and throw it to anywhere blank on the webpage to open the it in a new tab.

    SuperScroll 1.5.1 - Override the default keyscroll and mousewheel settings.

    TargetAlert 0.7 - Provides visual cues for the destinations of hyperlinks.

  2. My extensions:


    Clone Window

    Web Developer


    Super DragAndGo (disabled - not Firefox 1.0PR compatible)


    Jump Link (disabled - not compatible)

    Download Statusbar

    Nuke Anything


    Mozilla Calendar

    User Agent Switcher

    TargetAlert (disabled - not compatible)

    Mouse Gestures

    Bandwidth Tester

    Allow Right-Click







    Quite a few! :wine: Hopefully new versions of the incompatible extensions will be released soon.

  3. No problemo, glad to help! :wine: Thanks for the rep.

    For the record, FDISK is a partitioning utility from the MS-DOS days. Windows XP has a nice (if basic) partitioning utility, as you found out, but most of the time you'd have to boot to DOS and use FDISK if you wanted to do drive partitioning under OSes like Windows 98.

  4. About scrolling, in Firefox I get the behaviour you describe for IE (i.e. I click a link, then click back, and it shows the part of the page that I was last looking at). But usually I just middle-click to open every page in a new tab :wine:

    Yes, this behavior works for me as well.

    I would tend to think that the 0.93 language packs will be updated fairly soon. Many of my favorite extensions didn't work right away with 1.0PR, but were updated a few days after the release date.

  5. If it's not partitioned/formatted it won't show up in My Computer. If it's plugged into an XP machine, you might be able to partition it from Windows (type 'diskmgmt.msc' from the Run dialog). Make sure you select the right drive, you don't want to mess up your other hard drive :wine:

  6. The first edition of 0 A.D. will allow the player to control any of six ancient civilisations from the pre-common era. Each culture will be represented at the peak of its civilisation, somewhere along the timeline of 500 B.C. to 1 B.C.

    Though a momentous task, we are working to ensure that each culture provides a unique yet balanced gameplay experience. Each civilisation will have a unique set of buildings and units, and have notable strengths and weaknesses that must be learned and exploited by the player to be used effectively.

    • [1384=The Roman Republic]: The great conquering imperial powerhouse that swept across Europe, the western shores of the Mediterranean and North Africa in its early days as a republic. The [1384=Romans] are notable for their regimented military, powerful siege engines, broad range of naval vessels, politics, and adaptation to change.
    • [1388=The Carthaginian Empire]: will have the strongest navy in the game; the fiercest contendors on the high seas. They were also masters of naval trade, extending their trade routes even beyond the pillars of Hercules and circumnavigating Africa. They deployed towered War Elephants on the battlefield to fearsome effect, and had defensive walls so strong, they were never breached.
    • [1389=The Celtic Tribes]: The Britons and Gauls are the antithesis of the rigid organisation of Rome. A fierce horde of woad-painted Celtic warriors charging across the plains was a fearsome sight. They considered the bow and other ranged arms to be a weapon of cowards, and excel in hand-to-hand combat. Not known for their machines of war, they have minimal navy and siege. They construct mostly wooden buildings, which are fast and inexpensive to construct, though far less robust than their stone counterparts.
    • [1391=The Hellenic States]: Controlling the representatives from the Hellenic region, the player has the power of Sparta, Athens and Macedonia at his command. As the forebearers of philosophy, democracy, geometry, and hellenistic art and architecture, they are considered to be civic minded. However, do not discount the strength of their stone structures, the resolve of a hoplite in phalanx formation, or their historic ability to steal victory against seemingly insurmountable odds.
    • [1390=The Iberian Tribes]: The [1390=Iberians] were fathers of the art of guerilla warfare, capable of lightning strikes against an opponent and withdrawing before he can mass an offensive. Their foot units are some of the fastest and most rapid-firing in the game, particularly their Balearic Slingers. A number of their ranged units also have the unique ability to fire flaming missiles. Toledo steel grants them superior metal weaponry.
    • [1392=The Persian Empire]: The Persian Empire is the most cosmopolitan civilisation, levying a wide variety of troops from their vassal satrapies. Their infantry are weak and poorly-equipped, little more than cannon fodder, but can be massed in vast numbers. They have the strongest (though most expensive) cavalry in the game, and are the only civilisation that features all forms of cavalry, including the fearsome cavalry archer. Their cavalry is equally exotic, including camelry, mahout elephants, and scythed chariots. They are known for their lavish wealth, grand architecture and strong trade empire through the Silk Road.

    In future Expansion Packs, we hope to expand the number of available cultures by incorporating additional civilisations from 1 A.D. to 500 A.D. So expect this section to grow after 0 A.D. is released! The list will not be finalised until the first edition has gone gold, but possible civilisations include the Germanics, Vandals, Sarmatians, Late Rome, Imperial Rome or Eastern Rome, Saxons, Parthians, Huns, Dacians, Goths.

  7. • Free and Open Source Software

    • Cross-platform

    • Historically based

    • 6 unique civilizations

    • Provinces and territories

    • Realistic maps/terrain

    • Realistic naval warfare

    • Comprehensive editor

    • Several multiplayer modes

  8. Features to implement before entire site is complete:

    - Dynamic menu sidebar

    - Developer blogs

    Features to implement before Image Gallery component is done:

    - Seperate pages for category listing

    - "Add Comment" form below comments on image page

    - Piping two latest image thumbnails to site index

  9. I thought 802,11g was just an extension of b so you only needed the g version to be able to run both b and g. I guess I'm mistaken. Either way, I can't say what I need unfortunately... I don't need the speed though if that's what you mean.

    No, you are correct: g is an extension of b (backwards compatible). Sorry, my explanation was a little confusing ^_^

    Be sure to let us know when your lappy arrives! :wine:

  10. Anyway, I don't think saying some sites don't work in firefox is a valid argument not to use it.

    Agreed - it's the site developers fault if they don't adhere to web standards. As you said, IE has terrible CSS rendering among many other things.

    A friend of mine was testing out Firefox to see if he should dump Opera and said something very funny: I said "Well, Firefox loads pages faster than IE does", and he replied, "Duh, ANYTHING does!" :wine:

  11. I know the G4 Powerbooks are good for video editing (Final Cut Pro), but that's probably not what you had in mind. ^_^

    PCWorld.com has a guide entitled How to Buy a Notebook PC, which covers a lot of the choices and options available. The same site also has a Top 15 Notebook PCs review section, which you might want to check out.

    Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that a large number of laptops come with Firewire ports. Of course, as you said, you can get a PCMCIA Firewire card easily.

    The battery life on Centrino laptops should be good enough for you, although you'll want to be close to an outlet if you are doing video editing. ^_^

    What type of wireless technology support do you need? Centrino laptops come with 802.11b, and (AFAIK) 802.11g support. Some models probably have 802.11a support, but that "flavor" isn't as widely used as the others.

    Hope this helps; I can post more ideas later. :wine:

  12. Well then forget it, there is no way I am giving up a cool start up image!

    I prefer a browser that loads nearly instantly without a startup image. ^_^

    And the counter is broken. It's not changing at all.
    It updates semi-regularly, not instantly.
    If I get this, how will it be better?
    No threat of spyware hijacking; a built-in popup blocker; great extensions; faster page loading/rendering... I could go on and on. :wine:
    BTW, what's different from .9.3 and 1.0? Anything totally worth switching for?
    Unfortunately, there aren't any "WOW! Can't live without this upgrade!" features, but I upgraded anyway. Beware that some extensions haven't been upgraded for 1.0RC support.
    I use IE too because everything seems to be designed for IE and Netscape.
    So? Windows Update and MSN Gaming Zone are the only sites Firefox won't load for me. Firefox is just so much more stable and zippy than IE for me.
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