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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Update: The MD5CRK project is officially over.

    A team of researchers in China have found a collision in MD5, which renders the MD5CRK project moot. The project ended without finding a collision, but processed more than 10 million DPs in just over 170 days.

    Our team finished in 33rd place overall. Here are our final rankings.

    Currency Time! :D I'll be giving each person 1 Currency for each DP they processed. Thanks for the CPU time!! :D

    (Note: You can uninstall the client from your computer now; the server isn't handing out new work)

  2. @cluelessguy_2: Yeah, I agree; AoE and AoK got a little repetitive after a while, since all civs had the same units and buildings for the most part. AoK improved a little, with unique culture art and unique units, but it's still nothing like a game with *completely* unique civs. :)

    AoM had completely unique civs, but it seems like a lot of people complain about balancing issues :D

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  3. The reason is simply that RDRAM was a "flop". :D Intel bet on RDRAM (RIMMs) to catch on, but it didn't. Unfortunately, that leaves quite a few people who bought computers during Intel's push with expensive upgrades. :D

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