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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. I go with Halo2 (although those that have played America's Army (free ware) know that it's one of the best (no AI, you play over the internet))

    Yep, America's Army 0wns. (y)

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is supposed to have impressive graphics, but I can't say for sure which one of the poll choices I'd go with :( Battle for Middle-earth will be good, I'm sure (y)

  2. From this Slashdot story:

    "C-Net reports that analysts do not recommend using Microsoft's new 'Windows XP Starter Edition', a low-cost XP version aimed at the Asian market (and previously covered on Slashdot). The report notes that numerous networking features are removed, and the Starter Edition allows only three applications to be run concurrently. According to Microsoft, this limitation 'helps [users] stay organized and reduces confusion.'"

    I don't know about you, but only being able to open 3 applications at the same time would severely limit my organization, and create confusion.

    On a typical "work" day, I have 2-3 instances of Firefox running (with multiple tabs open), along with a code/text editor, Windows Media Player, Outlook 2003, and possibly a few others. Plus, I have MSN Messenger, ZoneAlarm, TeamSpeak, Skype, PopFile, WinKey, and a host of other background apps running. (y)

  3. Mine is around the $800 - $1200 range. It's a few years old, but many of the components have been upgraded.

    I got the barebones tower for about $600-700 back in 2001. 1GHz AMD T-bird, 256MB RAM, 30GB hard drive. I probably could have gotten a cheaper system elsewhere, but I knew less about hardware then.

  4. A larger/better heatsink could lower temps, but proper airflow is the best way. The best setup is a fan in the front of the case, pulling cool air in, and another fan in the back blowing hot air out. If you can stand the noise, that is (y)

    Also, larger (but slower) fans that push more air, such as the 80mm Panaflo fans, can help.

    60C is a little high for a load temperature, but probably not going to hurt anything. What type and model CPU do you have? Modern AMD CPUs max out at about 85C; I'm not sure about Intel's offerings.

  5. I have noticed that, especially among young people, it is considered 'cool' to break rules. People who break rules and buck authority are cool, and people who obey rules and submit to authority are nerds and misfits.

    People seem to forget that most rules are created for safety. Agreed, there are some rules that should never be created (DMCA, anyone? (y)), but generally speaking, rules are created to prevent harm.

    Young children are told not to run with scissors or play with matches because kids do hurt themselves that way. People are also told not to shoplift from stores. Why? Because shoplifting hurts the owner of the store financially.

    Does anyone here agree with me? Disagree with me? I'd like to hear your comments. (y)

  6. Yes, the Prometheus engine is completely 'homemade', so to speak. Everything has been coded by us, excluding libraries and dependances, of course. :)

    We have recently become aware of the naming conflict, and are searching for a solution.

    The beta test is still a long ways off. I do know that it will be a closed beta as we want to keep prerelease versions out of public hands.

  7. Double post:

    Found the example I was looking for. I suspect the same method of hiding the Start button was used in the code you found - grabbing the window handle of the control and using ShowWindow to hide it.

    Try the attached program and see if it fixes your problem. (y)

  8. Just out of curiousity, does the Start Menu still appear if you press the Windows key or Ctrl+Esc?

    I've seen this in a VB app once, it's a registry or window handle trick. And yes, it is reversable (AFAIK). (y) Can you analyse the source code?

    I'll try to find an example myself.

  9. I haven't used Mozilla personally, so all I know is that Firefox is a Mozilla derivitive.

    Unfortunately it's something out of the control of a virus scanner :(
    Just make sure to keep those little sliding metal tabs on your floppy disks closed, wouldn't want to expose the disk and risk it catching the virus! (y)

    (People have claimed that, see here (y))

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