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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. I also think Iraq war was a mistake that had nothing to do with 9/11

    Perhaps it didn't, but wasn't it about time we took care of Saddam Hussein? He had been given chance after chance to comply with the diplomatic options and whatnot, but refused. I certainly don't think that President Bush made an unwise or careless decision about invading Iraq. He said it was "the hardest decision of his life".

    Even if Saddam Hussein didn't have WMDs or wasn't directly involved with the 9/11 attacks, it is a known fact that he has used WMDs in the past, including on his own people. He also did fund terrorist operations. This guy was a WMD himself!!

    In short, 50 million people are now living in a free country and are about to vote in an upcoming election. Why wasn't it a good thing to go to Iraq?

  2. I got tired of waiting for it on Automatic Updates so I grabbed the full installer. :P It only took about 10-15 minutes to download (mmm cable) and installed fairly cleanly. Had some trouble with an ASPI DLL, but an uninstall of some CD burning demo apps fixed the problem.

    I haven't even bothered to try the new IE popup blocker, Firefox works just fine for me. :P

    The most likely reason for the startup screen change was for consolidation: SP2 was rolled out to XP Home/Pro, as well as XP Tablet and Media Center Editions. Using a generic boot-up screen for all editions saves a bit of trouble.

  3. That's quite an odd problem, especially since you have a router :P What programs do you have running in the background?

    Do you have a firewall installed? Have you tried running a spyware checker, just in case?

    Since the other computers stay online, it must be a problem with your computer and not the router. Does the problem disappear if you restart your computer during the time it's offline?

  4. I've used an older version of GIMP before; the interface was a little confusing. I've heard better reports about GIMP v2.0 though, going to re-download it and give it a try :P

  5. Well I don't think there are absolute truths. Math does not necessarly corrrespond to reality, it is abstract. Also, math is 'axiomatic' so 2+2 = 4 because we assign 2 and 4 to arbitrary imaginary values and we assume the addition function.

    Ok, you found a problem with my simplistic example :D However, I still disagree.

    Answer me this: As long as Hitler believed it was not wrong to kill six million Jews in the Holocaust, was there nothing wrong with it since truth is relative to his viewpoint?

    My point is that science is never proved, only disproved.

    In most cases, yes. You can prove that the ocean is full of salt with simple measurements. It is be possible that we haven't documented flying reindeer yet, so yes, the statement "As far as we know, flying reindeer do not exist" is correct. The point I was trying to make remains the same, though: theories and claims are proved or *disproved* through scientific proof.

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