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Posts posted by CodeOptimist

  1. On the contrary, I like using Macromedia Dreamweaver, rather than writing code by hand. I *could* write my HTML by hand, but it's a whole lot easier in Dreamweaver :lol:

    Plus, Dreamwaver creates standards-based HTML (more or less), which is much better than any Microsoft product's HTML output (Word, Publisher, FrontPage, you name it).

  2. Here are the matchups for the tournament. Each person is responsible for contacting their opponent and setting up a game!

    Once you have played a game, report back here and post the recorded game file (important!).

    Please try to play and report the game by next Saturday. (That should give ample time to get the games going, with timezone differences and all :lol:)

    Round I (7 Players)

    Curufinwe vs. Klaas

    fyhuang vs. Ph4ntom

    Nazgul11 vs. iNtRePiD

    CodeOptimist vs. (none)

    (Since the bracket is uneven, one player is automatically advanced to Round II. I *promise* this was random! Wijit can attest to that - he randomized the brackets himself :))

    Be sure to set up your game according to the Tournament settings, detailed in the first post and also repeated here for clarity:

    Game Type: Random Map

    Map Type: Random

    Map Size: Medium

    Difficulty: Easy

    Resources: Standard

    Population: 200

    Game Speed: Normal

    Reveal Map: Normal

    Starting Age: Standard

    Victory: Standard

    Team Together: No

    All Techs: No

    Allow Cheats: No

    Lock Teams: No

    Lock Speed: No

    Record Game: Yes

    All Civs Allowed

    Again, make sure you record the game! This is important so the judges can verify the winner.

    Good luck, and have fun!

  3. I applaud your motivation :P I would definetly recommend learning the basics of HTML first - that'll get you started.

    Google can get you some good material, as well as your local library. I don't have one particular HTML book in mind, but most should be good.

    Remember, though, that sometimes library books are a tad outdated and may be written for an older HTML specification: tags like

    and are generally not used anymore. That shouldn't really be a problem though :P
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