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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by CodeOptimist

  1. I'll jump in and fix this misunderstanding up. Both of you are sort of correct... Catholics do worship other people besides Jesus (i.e. praying to Mary, praying to various Saints). They don't have a different Bible than Christians, but they do have different rules and regulations. For example, in most Catholic churches, only the priest can read the Bible, the "commoners" cannot. Christians and Catholics are similar, but not the same - Catholics are much more ritual-based for one thing. They also usually think that the Church is higher than the Bible, which Christians disagree on. I can provide further info if nessicary. *back on topic!*
  2. Very nice, I love this drawing. Rep up
  3. Good suggestion. A [pre] tag would be the "holy grail", however
  4. I think she MEANT to spell it "sowy" to be funny.
  5. School today, but I finished it already. The upcoming weekend will be nice
  6. While you guys are either freezing on Mars or melting on the Sun, I'll be establishing a Moon base. Of course, you can call my base number at 0-987-6543 at anytime (0 being the "country" prefix ), or just visit www.nathanaelsmoonbase.com.
  7. I fractured my wrist when I slipped off a slippery tree branch and smacked my wrist against a thick plastic bucket. Ouch! Other than that, I've gotten a few other "minor" injuries, including a large scrape on my shoulder when I went flying off a large curb on my bike. I'll give more details on that story since it's hilarious: My brother, my Dad and myself were riding around in a parking lot near our house for fun and exercise. There is a parking garage (in the bottom floor of a large building) next to the parking lot and the "entrance" ramp down into the parking garage has a progressively taller curb on both sides. Following me still? I was riding on the grass next to the parking garage entrance ramp, and I thought that the curb was really small (like normal curbs), so I went down it. To my surprise, it was 3 or 4 times taller than a normal curb and my bike flipped over, dumping me on the cement. Fortunately, I only got a scrape I also had a very close call when bike riding once. We live on the top of a cul-de-sac, so you can ride in circles around our street. I was sort of racing my little sister on my new 10-speed bike, and put it into a very high gear. I didn't realize how fast I was going, and I was headed straight for our neighbor's large rock-and-cactus garden. YIKES!! I couldn't stop in time, so I just braced myself and crashed into it, expecting to become a human pincushion!! Somehow, I landed BETWEEN two large cactus bushes (with huge spikes) and barely missed a bunch of other ones. My bike smashed into a large cactus plant and broke it in half. Somehow also, I didn't hit the rocks very hard. I still can't explain how I didn't get any cuts, bruises, or scrapes from that situation. Methinks I was protected by an angel!
  8. Happy birthday! *predicts SoggyFrog reciting his clan's birthday song*
  9. We have two cars, a 1996 Camry and a ~1980 Honda (which still runs!!). We also have a Volkswagen Vanagon which is currently not used.
  10. Welcome to WFG! What languages do you enjoy programming in? (Be sure to visit the Computer Desk )
  11. Nice cats! Bubbles does the same thing as your black one - tries to fit into extremely small boxes I like your dog too, he looks very tired
  12. (Sorry about all the double-posts, you can only attach one image per post ) Here is our other cat, a calico named Bubbles.
  13. Most of you have pets here, so I thought it'd be fun to share pictures of our animals. I'll start with a picture (or five) of our Persian Manx cat, Puff.
  14. Happy birthday Josh, hope you have a great day!
  15. LOL, this whole time I've been thinking this was last_samurai... got Sam and Matt's brothers confused!
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