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  1. The cope of rushed plebs is insane here.
  2. There are a lot of discussions about this in TGs. What was the reason for and/or the reasoning behind that change?
  3. As requested, nani: ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/input.js line 1274 renderAndPlayFlare is not defined triggerFlareAction@gui/session/input.js:1274:2 handleInputAfterGui@gui/session/input.js:834:23 @gui/session/input~!autociv.js:330:16
  4. I find the concept of this mod remarkable. It is evident that a color change in certain models will be received differently by different players. Perhaps it would be possible to modify the mod in such a way that individual players can adjust their preferred colors themselves (similar to how diplomatic colors can be customized), thereby circumventing the subjectivity dilemma. I believe this mod has great potential. Also, seleucids, is it possible to fix this?:
  5. Sure. Vulkan on, GPU Skinning on, everything else is on the lowest settings. Doggos.mkv
  6. Weird. I have sometimes around 100 FPS and it is stuttering like crazy (with or without Vulkan and on/off GPU Skinning, nothing helps). I basically can't play till a fix comes.
  7. Are there users who do not experience that stuttering?
  8. I was playing that TG too. So don't worry, we all crashed seemingly. And I don't even have Windows.
  9. Do you have xdotool installed by any chance? Try to delete it if so.
  10. I didn't have any mods. It was a clean install. But today I did an update and Arch downloaded: "5 extra/0ad-data a26-2 -> a27-1" now it works. So before I had a27-1 with the data of a26-2? Weird. Anyways, I am glad it is fine now.
  11. Tried it on Arch Linux. Got a black screen after the start with only the cursor visible.
  12. Any info on when the new version will be in the default repositories (for Debian)?
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