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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. and this is why the probability of getting heads when you flip a coin doesn't always equal the probability of getting tails

    Because of their Isometrical patterns and differenet patterns on each side makes one side heavier

    Lets say you put a hard drive in a cannon, and fired it. It had an initial velocity of 250 feet per second. How long would it take to hit the ground in seconds?

    Well I there are several factors to consider.

    1 wind speed (I assume there is no wind)

    2 How much air friction slows it down

    3 how long till gravity pulls it down

    4 angle the cannon fired

  2. Ill elaboreate for him.

    In aom:tt there is a unit called the oracle.

    When he is moving, he has a very small line of sight however, when idle (which I assume the eye always will be anyway) his line of sight slowly extends outwards. so you leave him in a place and slowly as his sight expands, more and more of the map is revealed until it reches it's limit.

    If this helps you understand (I doubt it will but it just might)

    Here is the xml coding aom uses to set a unit to do that.

     <action name="AutoLOS">
      <param name="MinimumRange" value1="2"></param>
      <param name="MaximumRange" value1="33"></param>
      <param name="MinRate" type="All" value1="4.0"></param>
      <param name="Rate" type="All" value1="2.0"></param>
      <param name="Persistent"></param>

  3. what secular mean? Im gonna take a guess here and answer that question.

    Well as a christian, I see no problem in living in a secular nation (if that means you have all those basic rights found in america, australia etc and no one has to be forced to follow rules of a religion). If other people want to sin etc, its their problem. I dont encourage these acts but god gave us the ability to think for ourselves and that means make our own choices. So if they choose to not follow one of the commands its their problem and they are responsible for their actions.

  4. dont really understand whats so good about the cartoon but I havent really payed much attention to this election for three main reasons.

    1. I am only 15

    2. I am australian.

    3. all this american politic stuff is filling up al of our news and stuff and its pissing me off.

    atleast in a week or so it should be all over for another 3 years or however long each term of government is over in the USA

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