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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. @Mythos; naval warfare unfortnantl is automatical resolved. so you have fleets and you can attack other fleets but you dont control them.

    I have the game and I obsolutely love it lots of cool screenshots can be found here:


    Also the demo can be found

    here (167380k)

    The demo shows a battle in the 2nd punic wars where you control hannibals army attacking a larger roman force in a snowy valley sort of place. its good fun.

  2. I suppose american cadidates will do anything they can to win short of assasinating the oponent. well from what I've seen it seems that way.

    Isnt the election in a week or something?

    The whole add campaign cost something like US$1billion which must mean there is a lot of political advertising in america. (I really pity you for having to deal with all that advertising)

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