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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. no it is electrolysis though. well since curu got that he can have next go. but the process goes something like this.

    Large carbon annodes are lowered on to the cathodes to heat them both up. once they reach a certain temp, the alumina is poured into the large container thing. then the other elements in alumina bind or react to the cathode or annode leaving only the aluminium in a molten state which is poured into ingot moulds.

  2. alright lorian. I dont know leet though so I got my frined to tell me which letter is what.

       if ($_POST["word"])
           $_POST["word"] = str_replace("a","@",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("e","3",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("g","6",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("i","1",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("l","1",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("o","0",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("q","9",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("s","5",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("t","7",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("A","4",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("E","3",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("G","6",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("I","1",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("L","1",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("O","0",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("Q","9",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("S","5",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("T","7",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("you","j00",$_POST["word"]);
        $_POST["word"] = str_replace("You","j00",$_POST["word"]);
       <h2>Here is your 1337ed text..I hope you become a great n00b using it.</h2>
       <br><font color="black"><b><? echo $_POST["word"]; ?></b></a>
        <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">
        Enter a phrase
        <br><input type="text" name="word">
        <br><table><td><input type="reset" Value="Reset"></td><td><input type="Submit" value="Go!"></td><tr></table>

    obviously I was pretty bored to make that.

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