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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. Ive only read/heard the first one :)

    look what I found its funny for those who understand it (well t least for me anyway)

    Computer programmers' joke

    There is a joke amongst computer programmers that Deep Thought may have had some order of operations issues. The following code in the C programming language defines the macros SIX as "1 + 5" and NINE as "8 + 1", and then performs the computation "SIX * NINE". It returns the answer "42", because "SIX * NINE" is expanded by the computer to "1 + 5 * 8 + 1", and the multiplication takes precedence over the additions. (This occurs because the macro expansion is textual, not logical)

    #include <stdio.h>

    #define SIX    1 + 5
    #define NINE   8 + 1

    int main(void)
       printf( "What you get if you multiply six by nine: %d\n", SIX * NINE );
       return 0;

    Another possible explanation for the answer of 42 is that in the phrase "answer to life the universe and everything" there are exactly 42 characters including spaces. Also, in the question and answer "What do you get if you multiply six by nine? Forty-two" contains 42 letters (excluding the hyphen and question mark).

    Additionally, 42 is 101010 in binary and the * as an ASCII character.

  2. Hmm, I have the full version of R-TW, and I personally have to admit that this is one of the best strategy games I've ever played, probably the best since AoK/AoM. Though all websites are always showing the battle scenes, I personally love the campaign map, where you can see a living continent, with little caravans moving, waves hitting the coast, snow in winter and green grass in summer - and of course the family-member-feature, where you can watch you family grow and develop, you daughter marrying, new children getting born, old men dying and all the family members having their own character traits.

    The battles are great, but the graphics can't be compared to the Age series if it comes down to eyecandy and landscape details. Still, this game is highly addictive and I've been spending very much time in front of it in the last days.

    Exactly my thoughts

  3. well your ment to guess something about the next perspon without saying who they are specificaly. for example you might say the next person likes maths.

    then Dnas for example would say yes then he would have a guess about the next person

    pbm likes maths

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