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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. I saw this posted on another forum and thought this is a rather itneresting thing. I wondered what all the intelligent people over here think of it so I decided to post it.

    According to an article found on CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/11/14...s.ap/index.html)

    it seems atlantis may have been found.

    Robert Sarmast said sonar scanning of the seabed between east Cyprus and Syria revealed man-made walls, one as long as 3 kilometers (2 miles), and trenches at a depth of 1,500 meters (1,640 yards).
    "We found more than 60-70 points that are a perfect match with Plato's detailed description of the general layout of the acropolis hill of Atlantis. The match of the dimensions and the coordinates provided by our sonar with Plato's description are so accurate that, if this is not indeed the acropolis of Atlantis, then this is the world's greatest coincidence," he said.

    An interesting find so what do you think? I personaly think if it is true it certainly is an intersting find and may well be atlantis but more evidense is required.

    A references to plato's description for youre conveniance:


    for those of you interested, you can find the original thread here.

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