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Posts posted by Centurion_13

  1. Thats probably whats wrong. sometimes you need an outside view to find a problem. thanks. I dont know why it made all the S's in POST lowercase because I saved them in uppercase.

    (I think php is case sensitive but thats how I saw it done elsewere so I kept it up)

    EDIT: still doesnt work.

  2. It honestly wouldnt suprise me if it was rigged. I think he probably would have needed it after some of the things he has done. I wonder if our election was rigged. it wouldnt suprise me since polls just before the vote were about 50/50 each side and suddenly when the votes were tallied it was someting like

    14/86 in favor of PM John Howard.

  3. I have been asked to write a php mailing script for a friend who is having a large lan tournament or something. Fortunantly for me I have had some experience in this field and so far all my scripts have worked.

    Unfortunantly, my script I have written for my friend doesnt work currently and I dont know why. So could some of you experts come and see why, maybe I am just missing a semi colen or something but the help would be greatly apreciated.

    I started off with this long complex (well for me its complex as I am still learning most of php) script like this. A few features in this script I didnt know and guessed (mostly the checking if variables have any content).

    I know that one part is probably obviously wrong but it is just where I guessed what to put and I know that it is most likely wrong. But if you tell the correct ways Ill put them in.

    So here is my complex script, if you could fix it, I would appreciate it.

    I'll put it in a spoiler tag to make this post shorter to scroll down.


    /*  Registration script written By Shan Coster AkA Centurion_13 */


    //*****************check if form is complete

    //*****************actions to take
    //incomplete form
    Registration has failed. Please make sure you have entered data into all of  the fields./n
    Registration Script written by Shan Coster [AKA Centurion_13]

    //*******complete form
    //mail variables
    $contents ='Nick Name: $nick/nClan Name: $clan/nEmail: $email/n
    /n/n/nThis Registration script was written by Shan Coster AKA Centurion_13.';

    //mail script
    if(mail("centurion13@gmail.com", "$nick - LAN Tournament", "$contents",
    )) {
    echo ("Registration Complete. /n Your Information has been sent to ZeZar./n
    Registration Script written by Shan Coster [AKA Centurion_13]");
    } else {
    echo ('Registration has failed. Please ensure you have filled in the entire form. and try again./n
    Registration Script written by Shan Coster [AKA Centurion_13]');}
    //error in processing
    header("Location: form.html");

    /*  Registration script written By Shan Coster AkA Centurion_13 */

    Ofcourse when this didnt work I tried much simpler versions but it seems that I cant seem to make any that work. :P:);)

  4. applied as a texture artist but got turned down because there weren't any position availabl

    Thats cause me and Dnas just took them. But I wouldntr mind if we had one more texture artist. but its not my desicion.

    Good to see you over here Rider. Im sure you''ll love this community. if you ever need any help whatsover with anything to do with computers. Post in the computer forum. Its amazing the stuff people know here. And most memebers seem to use firefox and love it and convert everyone they meet into firefox fans. (I even love it now, and I was a big IE fan before).

    Enjoy your time here man


    @ all those people calling him a girl. Unless its some joke I dont get Rider is a guy.

  5. In australia after about 10:30pm it is common to see partial to full nudity (no porn) on TV. sometimes as early as after 7:30pm if it is in a documentary. I don't see anything wrong with showing nudity on tv as long as they're not doing porn or something (you have to get pay tv for that). But I think that our tv rules are out dated and should be given more freedom in these areas.

  6. Well It is president bush afteral and he hasnt actually been assisinated.

    I think its a case of no one wil care untill it actually happens.

    Its like a matyr. A matyr could be known by about only 5 people and no one else really cares about hiim/her but if he/she dies for soome amazing cause or something, everyone will notice him/her and care. They may even act against the cause of his/her death. But untill it actually happens no one ever takes any notice.

  7. You can turn on fog of war and black map at any point of the game if you use the correct UI.

    I prefer aom

    Oh and sue this is no particualr castle unit itself however, with the easyness of moving buildings onto other buildings you can make spectacular citadels and castles with Trojan Walls, etc

    I'd like to see someone do this with aok.





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