Hello there,
since there is already an ongoing discussion regarding this issue. i would like to distinguish my post from the existing ones by clarifying that it is not addressed to Geriatrix. Nor is it intended to serve as a compilation of incidents (such evidence should not be necessary anymore). My focus is on finding a way to effectively deal with the ongoing issues surrounding his conditions. My goal is not to bully anyone, but rather to look for a solution to this recurring problem, as it significantly diminishes my enjoyment of playing 0 A.D.
The creation of "smurf" accounts, while undeniably frustrating, is unfortunately a common practice in 0 A.D. Some players are known for engaging in this behavior more frequently than others (e.g., Sniper, Yeka, Geri, etc.). This practice disrupts gameplay by undermining team balance, excessively targeting one player instead of supporting the team, pausing or rage-quitting mid-game, and, overall, detracting from the gaming experience. Personally, these actions greatly reduce my enjoyment of the game.
Additionally, Geriatrix appears to have a peculiar dynamic with some of us for no discernible reason. While some might suggest simply ignoring this behavior, it is more challenging for certain players, including myself. Geriatrix frequently hosts what are referred to as "OP games" and excludes me and others from participating. As a result, I am less able to engage in community interactions, as he creates a hermetic space for his friends. I am always banned from these games, both as a spectator and as a player.
I have often sought to approach him with kindness and a spirit of reconciliation, yet I find myself time and again the target of hostility.
It seems that, despite the moderators being aware of the issue and committed to addressing it, they are ultimately unable to take effective action to prevent this behavior.
I have two key questions:
Why do players continue to join games hosted by his fake accounts? Are they aware these accounts belong to him?
How can this issue be effectively addressed? Should there be stricter measures to prevent such behavior? Would making it more difficult to create new accounts be a viable solution?
I appreciate any advice or insights you can offer.
Thank you,