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  1. Hi, I see that you modded the petra here https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/tree/80cf15442ae70541be7a3d06e4cd4fdb7bca6251/simulation/ai/petra Can you give me some bits about how was your processing modding it and which documentation you used to get more information about the 0 A.D bots? I have a mod where I want to change the strategy based on specific civlizations, but i couldn't find anywhere in petra an example of doing that.. Thanks!
  2. Hey, yes.. i will take a look what are the merge conflicts in the PR that I opened.. My kids played a lot it and they couldnt find any error, i.e error messages popping up while playing.. however I think we should change the AI in some cases, for instance first mission, the enemies could do more.. what do you think?
  3. Hello Mod community, I'm developing a mod, more to learn about 0 a.d development. I'm introducing for now 2 civilizations: Trojans and Mycenaeans. I'm already able to play with both, but when on game clicking in the "Myceneans emblem" I'm getting the following error: I reviewed already my civilization definition over and over again, and cannot spot any issue https://github.com/vpereira/0ad-troy-mod/tree/master/simulation/data/civs Does anyone knows what the problem could be? Thank you in advance!
  4. You can download it from my Github and install it as mod (just copy to the mods folder/directory), then enable it via mods selection, and you are ready to play.
  5. Unfortunately, didn't work out. If I drop the "merc_inf" mixin from the parent, and have instead of Then I'm able to train the mercenary in the barracks. However looking the mixins merc_inf.xml and mercenary.xml, I dont see what could be enforcing the "phase_town" ? I'm running version A26.
  6. I see now, thank you for the hint.. in the A26, we have the following: Is what I was looking for
  7. @real_tabasco_sauce This can be indeed the problem. I'm looking up github master branch.. i should make sure I'm https://github.com/0ad/0ad/tree/A26. I think the idea of having the embassy is a valid one, if I just wanted to fix the problem. I want however to understand where the problem is coming.. I don't know which parent from mercenaries is limiting it to the phase town. That's what I have on my barracks.. Without the Requirements block, it works as expected, I can train it in the Town phase, but not in the Village phase
  8. It failed again Looks like Requirements isnt allowed inside entity? My code looks like:
  9. Thank you @wowgetoffyourcellphone! Question, I couldn't find in which parent it is defined at all.. and I thought that just adding it to my instance, would "monkey patch" (overwrite) the previous definition no?
  10. Hi, doing some experiments to try to understand how to mod, I was trying to add Mercenaries to the "cart" civilization already in the village phase. I was able to add it to the Town phase, But looking the templates "merc_inf" and "mercenary" it wasn't clear to me where I can change it. I tried to add: To my simulation/templates/units/cart/infantry_swordsman_merc_b.xml but then when my Barrack is done, i get the following error: Removing the "Requirements" block everything works as expected, but I cannot build the mercenaries from the barracks in the village phase as I wanted... any hint? Thank you!
  11. I have a question regarding the process of creating such maps. I did create already some custom maps, but they never look that good, and I'm not able to position my camera in such angles.. are you just using the Atlas or any other application? Any tips, how to or forum post with some good tips to make an awesome map?
  12. Yup Phab was offline today, early in the morning, if you did fix it, thank you <3
  13. But if i understand correctly, the contributions don't happen via PR on Github (or gitea, gitlab), but instead I have to create manually a patch, and upload it to Phabricator, no?
  14. I still fail to see why not use GitHub? It offers zero maintenance costs, and the likelihood of it disappearing is smaller than with any other free service available. I've been maintaining an open-source project since 2006, and for us, GitHub has been a real peace of mind.
  15. Thanks Stan, I found it today, under https://github.com/0ad-matters/gh-action-build-pyromod, and I will probably give it a shot! Looks like many devs come up with similar solutions to the same problems!
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