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Akira Kurosawa

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Everything posted by Akira Kurosawa

  1. Looks like I should wait for original game text writer, to understand that enigmatic technology.
  2. Well, I leave it as "loopholes" sense, because murder holes already taken by other technology, and arrow-throwing "mechanism" still not verified.
  3. @Nescio , can you explain me, "Technologies 295 Arrow Shooters" - is that really Arrowslit or it's mean some kind of shooting mechanism in tower?
  4. Interesting... Is that possible to add 3D model of Neith from SMITE as Cleopatra's Philopator skin?
  5. It's just not open console window. I'm trying to launch it but nothing happens.
  6. That is odd. Than why we still at 32-bit for Windows? They are planning to keep game at x32 version forever?
  7. I've heard about Ubuntu and that they are trying to throw away 32-bit version with 32 bit programms, even small utilites have got 64-bit version. Many small games are now 64-bit only. By the way, that "minisign" under download links looks like does not work.
  8. Still no 64-bit game? Not good, especially while we have trends to prohibition of 32-bit programms.
  9. Well, I know only chinese-russian language forum but WF text-writters may go to some "esoteric-hinduism" forums and ask their magiphrenic adepts about sanscrit... Induism is not popular at Eastern Europe as in West World, so we have a lack and abandoned hinduism forums.
  10. Anyway, I must say, that including of "native" names was very bad idea, especially for right transliteration. Now I understand why Age of Empires strongly avoids them in game.
  11. pr-ms’yw - это скорее всего и есть "пэр-мэсаиу", если исходить из книжки Ботанцова. Й русская - это Y из транскрибции, она же - два камыша. Надо видеть иероглифы, чтобы понять, что там, ведь они так же используют Y для "и".
  12. Oh, thank you! Because I have very different versions in different sources.
  13. Can someone explain me pronounce of: Miletucerdon - Miletu-(ts)-erdon or Miletu-(se)-rdon? Harotz - Haro-t-z or Haro-(ts)? Etxe - Et-(ks)-e or Et-ze? Naukasthanaka - Naukas-(th)-anaka or Naukast-hanaka? Shilabanda - (Sh)-ilabanda or S-h-ilabanda? Xšaçapāvan - (Ks)-(sh)-a-(ts) or (ch)? pavan? Cyfnewidiwr - K-ee-v-ne-oo-ee-d-ee-oo-r? And what about A' B' etc? Is that Alpha, Beta etc? Philippus Beta of Macedon?
  14. Missed "ды" in word "Команды". I can try to generate smaller name for unit but it became uninformative. Also, we have another cyrillic languages with huge naming... Maybe information windows would be better with 5-10% more free space?
  15. That feels, when you returns to your american colony to make revolution!
  16. Other languages needs bigger and higher dialog windows. And some text strings overlayed by each other.
  17. I can't change some "checked" translations, but I leave better variants (last adviced) in "advices".
  18. Who can unlock ukrainian localization? It needs some grammar and other fixes.
  19. Hello! I also want to report about some mistakes at russian localization. Maybe those people who translate should use Wikipedia pages to confirm right words? For example we have mistake at roman nation. At english it maybe right to use "veles" as singular from velites, but at russian it should be [velit] - Велит. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Велиты It is realy great game so I beg translators to consult with encyclopedia or dictionary when you write text especially if you not from countries of your translation. The same mistake also at ukrainian translation. It should be Веліт. https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Веліти
  20. Well... How about to add some descriptions into game encyclopedia (History pages etc.) such as unit phrases, interpretation of hieroglyphs at Ptolemies buildings, Kushites pyramids voices etc. I guess it will be nice experience. Prostagma? Bulome. (I know that not all national phrases are ready.) And what about to add some national musical introduces like at AoE2? About phrases: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/266125.html Miscellaneous features:
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