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0 calories

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Everything posted by 0 calories

  1. Thanks I resolved it.. Well if game is faster it is ok I still have strong hardware but I;m getting drop to 4FPS and that the bottleneck I would like to really resolve. In other cases GUI gets over-slow. Let see if this really helps
  2. just for testing purpose.. without animation game looks wierd
  3. This one? [~/source/0ad-0.27.0/]: find . -name animation ./data/mods/_test.dae/art/animation
  4. is there any mod which removes these anymation for testing purposes of others?
  5. Linux Let me test another game haven't had time yet... I compiled previously incorrectly so i can report if improvement..
  6. I took one team game and does not have feeling it would be helpfull - still getting loss in FPS and also GUI responses so slow. How can I make sure my recompilation really using 300 insteead of 20?
  7. Is it in this file? + recompilation? # grep -R "turn % 20 == 0" simulation2/system/TurnManager.cpp: if (turn % 20 == 0) I will try it, if it gives me normal responses I'm ok temporary using it this way, so others will just ignore OOS.
  8. I never did 8xAI in A26 and cant compare now as I dont have A26 anymore but i just know I never experienced such shuttering .. lags yeas.. but this is not lag..
  9. I had just little time and patience to test it but here is my observation (need more time to evolve game in late stage) i just keep few minutes.. 8xAI hosted (no lobby) it seems more stable and less "shuttering" 7xAI 1xme (no mods single mod enabled!) I feel presence of shuttering every 4-10 secs
  10. I tried any GFX setup vulkan/opengl/native soon depreceated no mater what always getting sluttering .. it start from beggining of the game it is visible... but not that moch as game progress at some point FPS goes down so much i need restart 0ad rejoin and get for short time again some UI responsivness... I did not try any steps to fix it as Im not developer and have no idea how to fix it. I just changed gfx settings above.. yes it could be anything but im not alone..
  11. Also i would rather play 0.27 patch 1 rather waiting anothe 2 years for another full alfa/beta release.. just fix it / revert it for players to be happy.. and you can fix performance issues (or full checks or how you call it - with other features which will lead to much smooter gameplay I hope) meanwhile.. that sounds most logical to me. If you want to lose player base just keep it sucks...
  12. I can claim 0.26 fast smooth and fast.. while 0.27 I have 4 fps issue for sure.. I guess you assurance that A26 had problem is not correct from player perspective.
  13. sure but no players will be there when buggy 0.27 is released... that was the point..
  14. can we revert back to 0.26? until this is resolved?
  15. it really much worse performance... no idea how to trace it but we feel it!
  16. I dont experience it, Vulkan amd but game somehow sometimes drops FPS and getting slow..
  17. That was the point. Player will lose connection or got disconnected, usually he is able to rejoin quickly as I observed... -> joining to the lobby within 90 sec is very likely... user get no rating assigned by ratingbot and issue is still present.. Lowering lobby client "keep" alive to mimumim is best solution.
  18. 90 second is quite high value for real time game.. so if anyone has really bad connection why keep him stay alive? Can you test set as low as possible? What about 30 secs?
  19. I have very same experience. 100% triggered by changed IP address - no other cases I observed. Of course there can be other use cases when it happens but this is obvious...
  20. @MeisterHost of the game can make own rules & policies and can even ban anyone without noticing.. upto this part all is ok no matter who host. What is not good is "new" smurfs account with ability to immediatly host new game. Other players gladly will join without caring much who is the host as there is in general not much games hosted at peak time. I would like to offer devs team to implement some "smart logic" whoch would not allow host game from lobby for these "fresh accounts" and maybe additional conditions to make it harder you define... I don't have single proof mentioned person is Geriatrix (probably very first account was Cedric_O) but In general I never been banned by anyone else than him... if it helps..
  21. I think most of the cases is when user having networking issue he will just rejoin with another provider mobile/wifi etc.. what has available to finish the game...
  22. is it the auto-snipping script you "rumours" delivered to Stockfish? maybe share the replays what are you reffering to, let ffm2 or others to look into the activities. We don't want just spread rumors, lies etc.. right?
  23. @ffm2 excellent work. I'm happy to see you confirm my words from the beggining. Yes hardware mouse gives advantage as any better device. Anyway definitely it is not auto-snipping with programmed smart logic of targeting. Now we must decide if this is cheating (as you pointed your own opinion that it is cheating) or this is standard way how to utilize better hardware we have on the market. What do you guys think? Should we ban specific mouse types? or gaming keyboards? (just imagine with gaming keyboard you also get 0.2ms advantage of poushing key) in general all better hw gives you little edge.
  24. DO NOT RUN IT if you have larger replays directory! Your machine will get over busy and all you have running will crash. Script run all in paraler so it cant handle too many directorys = new process...! FORK BOMB - crash your PC. Exhaus memory triggier swap and kills everything
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