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0 calories

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Everything posted by 0 calories

  1. Also you can play with players who accept these features, so in other words you can ignore chrstgtr and not let him join your games or viceversa. All issue resolved. Uusally when soemone forward your focus to another way of playing like death-match is trying just to get rid of complicated communication .-) You are tottaly free to play any setup. Let him/them play dead matches or gifts from gods as they wish, honestly it is not what you want to really play in team games, most preffered is just basic 300 starting resources.
  2. so no read-only access all under registration?
  3. nice play @vinme would be great to see replay directly to know your side. Only final stats visible saying you were late in eco all the time, but realyl would like to see your permanent push.
  4. If you took regular backup try restore it from there otherwise say bye bye to your replays. You can also try to ask other players to share some plays with you if provide your name in game.
  5. gaming mouse 4 times faster click... such cheating.. just 100 euro
  6. Dear @Stan` You've been our last standing man, driving the project forward in its darkest hours. Lack of developers, unpaid work, and your commitment to listening and addressing issues defined your legacy. I wish the project will go on, carrying your spirit. Sincerely, sanafur
  7. sorry? I was there 1 hour before given timeslot... I have no idea what are you talking about...Even my post confirm that in this forum... look timestamp
  8. I'm in, my rating is probably 1700+
  9. It seems some people are detached from continuous game development and considering new features as cheats because it trully enhance gameplay and equalize some parts - look to 0ad vision Please focus on important things: - 1) secure communication - 2) revealed map cheating - 3) start hosting wfg games (to provide achieve some goals above) - 4) allow only specific mods - 5) allow players to send private messages(even limited lines per minute to avoid spamming to enable password proteced games) - 6) reading enemy stats Now we can discuss thousands days why "it is not possible"... feel free to join 0ad devs team instead to make it possible I recommend stop attacking Atrik for what his great game updates and I would try focus on "getting" great pieace of code and enhance 0ad itself... And if this is not "possible" let modders make mods and let them be passionate and helpfull. You can still use your horse and compete to cars, it is your decision. Still both are on the market and available.
  10. I'm stepping off of tournament.
  11. Answer is here School holidays 2022-23 to lack of players https://www.myskistay.com/date/en-schedule-of-the-school-holidays-Europe.html
  12. get mouse with multiple buttons and try use autohotkey... all you need to make repetive stuff more automated...
  13. Guys, where i can download that auto-snipping mod?
  14. I share same mind as Mentula I vote for integrating it to vanilla of 0ad to make it essentail part (currently there exist already queue management but is terribly written, so overwriting it with this proGUI implementation would be best) this would make issue resolved all have same starting line.
  15. @rossenburg can you explain reason you hidding real purpose of gamesetup.js ? it looks to me like nasty code or hidding something... this is not my cup of cofffe for GPL software, but more for backdoors. same applies to gamesetup_mp.js var _0x3ff338 = _0x2a74; (function (_0x1fef81, _0x2c7a59) { var _0x2e4ed7 = _0x2a74, _0x36a32c = _0x1fef81(); w
  16. Hello, I would love to know if is possible to see how I played 1vs1 or other player (to my understanding it is the only way to get rating score) in the past. In fact list who play against whom + result and proabably date. If no such feature exist, is there way to create mod for that? If so please can you point me to specific API documentation ... i would love to try write it.... if not exist such possibilites is there any plan for 0ad developers to enhance game in such matters? Currently all I can see in game is just leaderboard with ratings but and summary without details. With such level of details it would be easy to see additional statistics. Last question is why there is no something like overall score for team games? Do you consider that only 1vs1 battles are showing real player exprience in game? I spotted some statistics at the end of the game per player from many perspectives (economic, army...) I feel such data could be easily used to calculcate it. Many thanks for answers.
  17. just give cav same amount of HP as infra units and you got issue resolved. Cavalery should be fast for providing quick support and retreat. Anyway should not be the only army... Lowering HP will do the work.
  18. To be honest @Stockfish your website might look good graphically but it is not dynamic, not visible who registered, who joined to tournament at specific date (it looks you are editing it manually) and there is 0 interaction between (no chat - just to support).. People won't join because there is 0 transparency
  19. Putin lost 1vs1 against Zelenskyy and did not resign, he is using cheats all the time. Can you please ban him forever?
  20. @mysticjim frozen lake comment is great - you can spell kushites player name just Coca Cola
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