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Everything posted by real_tabasco_sauce

  1. Definitely play on medium or normal for a better experience, performance wise. (and gameplay for that matter)
  2. hmm i could ask and see if they could add it here. I noticed that once, nobody was OOS in the warning it just said "out of sync: , "
  3. there seems to be a lot of OOS situations at the moment. IDK if its because of people using different mods. here is a replay, IDK if thats what is needed. metadata.jsoncommands.txt
  4. Very nice, I do like the icons, but i think smaller is better, and perhaps a particular opacity will be ideal. cheaper, so the net difference is only how many you can put in one place.
  5. also for the download page: 10.12 is Sierra Mavericks is older, like 10.9
  6. yes, I think it could scare some players away. A change of language would be good.
  7. well, https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4788 has a need for many simple icons: feedback on this idea has been mixed, so no point in making any icons yet. But I think the technique could be perfect for making these very generic icons.
  8. haha they want to use mercs again. Me too, I hope the nerfs they got are enough (probably not tho)
  9. yes iphricates is one of the goats, but after he's dead its gg. Athens swordcav is the worst too. so sad, they will be more exciting in a26 imo.
  10. really? they have 2 OP heroes. do ele spam with best ele hero, then switch into mass javelin cav with the cav armor hero. I'd take them over athenians tbh.
  11. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4788 mod (not identical to patch atm) : unit_upgrades.zip
  12. Talk about an impossible task XD. I think what we can conclude is that people are happy to have more content in general. To me, a more diverse tech tree seemed like a certain way to offer content in the form of gameplay options and playstyles.
  13. Haha, yes I did this but some ppl really didn't like it . Have you downloaded the mod to take a look at the layout? I thought it looks ok even now, but I think many of the complications can be addressed with: 1. better tooltips, for example, explaining that higher projectile velocity increases the odds of a hit on a moving target. 2. simple icons with I or II in the top right corner for level 1 and 2. 3. a rearranged UI, with the upgrades directly beneath their respective units. What made me start this project was the current cavalry HP and speed upgrades. In general, I disklike them. There is a period in the early game where investing in these can help beat the opponent's cav, and this is fun, but in the late game, these wind up serving as a general buff for all cavalry since they are so cheap. I thought a group of unit specific upgrades would increase the army composition possibilities and strategies available to players, while also serving as a handy balancing tool. For example, if one unit is too strong, simply tie a trade-off to that unit that increases its risk of being countered. (ex archer cav op -> level 1 upgrade decreases speed) It would certainly be a lot of new content, and anything new takes time to get used to. I think it shouldn't be too hard because there are only 4 to 8 per civ, and 2 possible for each unit. Once you have played a civ once or twice, those upgrades should be memorable. What will be interesting is if you can remember what upgrades your enemy's civ has access to. On that note, I have tried to give civs upgrades that fit their playstyle. For example pers has 4 cavalry ones and 2 infantry techs. see below image: if you don't want to download the mod, you can also look at the patch to see which civs have what upgrades. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4788
  14. Yes, we for sure need to be familiar with the meta(s) from a26 before this is committed. I really just put this out so we could consider the "system" that has been built here. Does the idea in general sound good to you? I think taking a little value out of the blacksmith arms race would be nice.
  15. @LetswaveaBook @BreakfastBurrito_007 is just talking about how percentage upgrade give more dps to units that start out with more DPS. 1.20 * 5 is less than 1.20 * 10 It is a difference, and it is something to consider when we balance units, but I don't think the forge techs should be changed and I don't think we should use +/- damage upgrades instead. We should definitely not use a combination of percentage and addition upgrades.
  16. @borg- provided a lot of differentiation for Persia, should be interesting to play.
  17. in the patch, you can easily see which civ's get which upgrades, so you don't have to get the mod to see. Once I get some more suggestioons for cavalry skirmisher 2, archer2, and crossbow2, I will update the patch and the mod.
  18. If the fire damage is problematic balance-wise, I could scrap that one in favor some other upgrade. What do you all have in mind? I would like to make a couple of others more "trade-off" upgrades.
  19. yes, there are upgrades that have tradeoffs, which I like.
  20. so you mean one could start a new attack after moving to attack sooner? Ok i just tried this with crossbows and indeed walking between attack order cancels the repeat timer. However, even in an ideal setting: 1 unit vs 1 unit in standground, the time to kill is almost the same. given the above, I don't imagine this being problematic for melee units, but its worth taking note of. If it seems like a problem, I can also modify the prepare time.
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