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Posts posted by Beise

  1. @beau

    hi Beau, very pleased to be able to split the job.
    In short words about me. My age, as I'm sure you already read.
    Also training as technical editor, more in direction of mechanical engineering. My time windows are different, I work in shifts.
    Welcome again :)


    Hello Stan,
    is there a guideline for the documentation?
    As described here?  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Style_guide
    Or should we write one?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Does it make sense to create a documentation area in the forum?






  2. @Stan`, @FeXoR, @GunChleoc

    Hi all, back from work, so we can discuss a lttle bit.

    My understanding is, that Intelligent Services search, find, spread and process information wherever and whenever possible.

    From this, 'intelligent' measures are derived. But all are based of Informations.


    Thanks. And "Erkundung" is a Compromise, also for me. 

    Because of "Du/Sie". This pages are part of an (technical) handbook. This is technical information (for me) and there it is unusual to write "DU".  It may be that my age also plays a role, but I can change if necessary. I could have changed a lot more because to me personally in the text are too many  "you can do this and that" instead of "do that, do this", or "Click there, then you have that result", but ok.  


    also "Spionage" is based of gathered Information.



    • Like 1
  3. @feneur Oh, that was a misunderstanding.
    The images linked in the document "wiki: buildings" could not be displayed in any of my browsers, but only those, like e.g. in the document
    "Wiki / Manual_BasicGameplay". This should only be an hint of differences and that I am eliminating these differences when I am
    see such when translating.
    Otherwise, an access right to the image directory makes sense, so that I can copy it there after approval.
    My Trac username is the same as here. 


  4. @Stan`, @feneur,

    I think I found the mistake with the pictures. In wiki: buildings the image links are http: // wildfire ...,
    in ManualBasicGameplay and others you find:  [[Image (Manual_BasicGameplay: Athenian_Preview.png, 800)]],  which is the new style in the documents. I correct that during the translation


    In the document ManualBasicGameplay the picture does not match the text.
    In the section "Gather resources", sentence 1, text in parenthesis.
    In section "Build / create units", sentence 4
    The first sentence is not the problem, delete the text and well.
    But sentence 4 causes me problems. Can you please correct that or may i send you  corrected pictures?

  5. 19 hours ago, Stan` said:

    done with Content translation in german language, Style adaptation to wiki start page,  Uniform design of the notes, Footnote (anchor) added for testing (sometimes necessary for explanations). 

    It also bothers me that you have to scroll so long. I would either put a few jump labels, or individual sections of the picture e.g. insert all 5 or 10 headings.

  6. Is the next, what i want do today. Although I believe that only the headlines are to be translated. At least the Developer documentation can stay in English,

    our people also program in English.

    What are the differences between Developer and Programmer with you?

    What I do not like is the style change between the page wiki and
    0adManual. I want to continue the style of the wiki page, if possible.


  7. Hi Stan,

    for next days, please:

    - wiki:Manual_SettingUpAGame
    - wiki:Manual_BasicGameplay
    - wiki:Manual_OtherFeatures
    - wiki:Manual_Quickstart_PlayedRTS
    - wiki:Manual_MainMenu
    - wiki:Manual_Buildings
    - wiki:Manual_Units
    - wiki:HotKeys
    - wiki:Manual_Terminology
    - wiki:Manual_Settings
    - wiki:Manual_Cheats

    and please take a look at  wiki:Manual_Buildings. Is it right that there are links to pictures that are not visible?



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  8. 4 minutes ago, Stan` said:


    I'm not sure I understand what you need after that!

    please give also https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Localization, to translate. After that i want  do the same,

    as you can see here: https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TranslationDe/WikiFormatting  "Andere Sprachen", this comes from

    https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiMacros, section "TranslatedPages".


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