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Everything posted by Emacz

  1. Does anyone know if there are plans to make formations more useful in regular game? Similar to Delenda Est where certian formations give you either defensive or offensive bonuses while in formation. That would be good and a little more realistic!
  2. yeah i like 15-25 minute games Otherwise i start to lose focus!
  3. Thanks! I will try and find someone to mess around with it on. The problem with all the different mods is its harder to find games. Even community mod, not everyone is on board. I defintley prefer multiplayer games instead of the AI So i did mess around with it, and there are parts i LIKE! but it does seem a bit more complicated... I dont like how soldiers can't gather, only women and slaves... seems to be "slower" of a game. Hopefully they take some of the ideas from it though and implement into next alpha/community mod. I know skiriati are really powerful, but I dont remember if i've mention this above. It can be hard to mass them and push while ur still ahead/even pop/eco.
  4. It really bothers me that if someone attacks a single unit on the woodline (or anywhere) the remaining units continue working as if nothing happend. One suggestion i heard was control groups, which i use! So a more specific example would be if Im attacking the opponent and they send a counter attack to my woodline, they can pick the women off 1 by one and the men continue to chop. I dont know im being attacked, because Im attacking/being attacked at their base. So the idea would be that when set in agressive stance they will stop what they are doing and fight within X distance of each other. So if one unit gets attacked woodline other units within X would fight alongside. Does that make sense? is it possible?
  5. Thanks! I will try and find someone to mess around with it on. The problem with all the different mods is its harder to find games. Even community mod, not everyone is on board. I definitely prefer multiplayer games instead of the AI
  6. yeah, alpha 27... ok so we need to wait EVEN longer for spartans to be good What do you mean here?
  7. This is great news, the only problem now is a27's release has been temporarily halted for the foreseeable future Unfortunately, I'm not very tech savvy, I can't really contribute with coding etc. But I do have a lot of spare time and can definitely test things out! I feel like I came across a thread to download a27 to test for bugs/balance? I could do that. It would be nice if some of these things could be implemented into a new version of community mod so more people could test things out easier.
  8. Thanks! The problem with all these patches is that then the people you play against need to have it right? It would be nice if some were implemented into communit mod. Speaking of which Iber get 20% extra melee bonus tech from forge... Im sure there is some historical significance there, but maybe Spartans could also have another additional txt. Since skirtai are pretty strong, maybe it's only avialble to spearmen. I remember when the 25% health bonus also applied to Agnus, who had 2k health and then with it 2500 health. He was a recking ball!
  9. I have talked to Borg- in game about this. I just haven't been very active on forum I think if spartiates had Naked fantic speed.... that would help
  10. I wasn't necessarily comparing their stats to Naked Fanatics, just pointing out Gauls get champs p2 and Spartans have to wait for their only champs until p3, even though historically it sounds like Spartiate's started training at a very young age. Maybe Spartiates could be available p2, and have similar stats to Naked Fanatics, and then when you get to p3 u research to improve health and armor... I agree that skiritai are pretty strong, but again I'm just saying that it would be nice to use Spartiates more effectively since they were an essential part of Spartan life and war. Were there skirtai in Spartan armies? I wasn't talking about Spartans and rams.... but if I remember correctly a few alphas ago not every civ had them, specifically athens comes to mind. People complained, and all civs have rams now! I haven't really tested but if you had an army of say 25 upgraded Spartiates and 25 upgrades Silver shields who wins? And like Vantha mentioned the 25% health increase the production time for spartiates where I dont think the upgrade to Silver shields does?
  11. Not quite sure where this should be posted. So feel free to move it to a better place. I play sparta a lot. Lately I've branched out because I feel like they are one of the "most plain" civs. They have the least variety. I know when played right they can be really strong, and Brasidas is a bad @#$% hero. But I'm wondering if there is a way to spice them up a little. Ive had these discussions with players in game. I know originally one of the goals was to be somewhat historical to each civ. Of course the game needs balance too, so all civs get rams But im wondering why guals can get their champs (naked fanatics p2) but spartans can't get spartiates until p3 (when from what I understand boys as young as six would go have to start training to be a spartiate!) The game used to mention how spartiates are the strongest melee units in the game. But wouldnt the upgrade shield barers from mace be better? Their tech boost dmg and health. Also melee as it is seems a little broken (ive seen the post on that and plan to follow.) Would be nice if games were not always won by range units! just my two cents!
  12. Hello @user1, shade11 quit a rated game against me today without resigning. It is the second time he has done it. Didnt bother reporting him the first time because he probalby has resigned about 10 times... but now 2 out of last 3 he has just left. commands.txt metadata.json
  13. Nani, i want to be able to select by ranged, infantry, etc. within the screen... so if i put all spearmen on group2 and swordmen group3 but then in a particular screen i want to select all of them but not javs, how would i do that? and vice versa, how to select all javs but no sword/spear
  14. Nani, first off thanks for your hard work! This is what I asked about in the lobby, found it in the forum! But im still a little confused on how to add it/implement into auto civ. Do i have to edit a txt file or something and copy paste this? Thanks!
  15. The game was working perfectly fine this morning. I left for work, tried to open and I got this msg: Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error. Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. You may find paths to these files at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x00000410) Location: unknown:0 (?) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 2 (Error during IO) OS error = 0 (no error code was set)
  16. emacz2 in game. I was playing a game with CaioMarioLobi. Thought it would be a good competitive game, he was 1450 plus... my rank was 1570ish but I play more like a 1400 player Anyway he took out a bunch of my women early on because i was just playing poorly. I took the men that I had and countered him. He threatend to quit... this should have been a warning then... so i retreated we played it out. I went in for the final kill after building up and he says he has to go, leaves the game without resigning then starts a new game as Im still in game paused waiting for him to come back.....
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