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Everything posted by MarcusAureliu#s

  1. @HMS-Surprise @Stockfish @ValihrAnt @Feldfeld @borg- @JC (naval supremacist) @badosu @kizitom @ffffffff @PhyZik @Dakara@Dizaka@faction02@carthage@Pudim@Boudica@chrstgtr@randomid@rauls @ffm @go2die @elexis@Wendy22@90 (2 char. names unallowed..)@Unknown_Player and all others
  2. This is more discussion thread, sign up here please As due to corona i had some time to think lately and also there are many players in lobby, i was wondering wether it could be a good time to set up a team tournament. I thought about a league system, to have a result reflecting real player strenght the best. As there might not be many 4-player teams there could be variable team sizes, and the teams would be reduced to the size of the smaller team, or various matches could be played. This would allow more flexibility in time ( there should be timeframes as large as possible anyway). Ofcourse there would be a mechanism to have all team members participating. Still larger team battles could be encouraged by higher reward for example: win 4 vs 4 = 4 points, while win 2 vs 2 = 2 points for team. For balancing there could be maximum average ratings (with exemptions for obviously underrated players like faction02. I dont believe making teams artificially would raise intrest in participating, and personal sympathy might allow more advanced team strategies which would add to the entertainment value and the level. It would highlight a different set of skills also like communication and encourages beeing a team player. Also banning civs and making rules to choose different civs within team or both teams even ? might be a enriching concept. Also there could be 2 leagues of lower and higher level including something like a promotion system ( depending on the amount of teams. I would enjoy to organize something along those lines, but i want to see wether there is intrest first and encourage further discussion on the matter. There could also be a thread to find teammmates in forum. Obviously the succes of such an endevour also greatly depends on promotion and people encouraging other people . For now i propose the following rules, which are open for discussion. For making it more easy to find teams and let friends play with each other i have tried to make the tier system not too complicated, but you may suggest otherwise. I will make a more nice graphic if the version is final A. Team making rules. §1. You must register a team of at least 2 but optimally 4 players by teamname and players. Participating with fake accounts is not allowed and causes disqualification of the player aswell as loss of all point of the team acquired from games involving the player in question §2. I.Your team must have not more than one tier 1 player and two tier 1 and 2 players or 3 tier 2 players II.Your team can not consist entirely of tier 1 and 2 players §3. During the tournament you can add players to your team by official announcement and without violation of §§ 1,2. Also players can leave, but not join another team during the tournament. B. Points §4. For a victory a team gets 3 points. For each player less then 4 the team gets 1 point less ( 3 Players = 3-1 = 2 points) 2 Players is the minimum Team size C. Matchmaking §5. The games take place at Sunday19.00 CET. You can agree with the weekly opponent to an alternative time. The time has to be posted to forum and both teams have to show agreement. §6. If a team shows up with less then 4 players the other team must choose players amongst their team to play a 2v2 or 3v3. The team that showed up with all 4 players does not get reduced points as described in §4.I. ( Best to provide screenshot in case of argument). If a team is registered with less then 4 players the opponent team is only required to show up with a matching number of players. §7. Each team can ban 2 civs for the enemy team. All team members must chose different civs. Teammates are allowed as specs. Otherwise no specs are allowed. Exemptions can me made for the purpose of streaming or recording the match for commentary D. Tournament System §8. The tournament has the format of a league System. Each team plays against each other team once. The team with the most points wins. E. Gameplay Rules §9. The matches are played on: (balanced) mainland, lake, river, continent, fortress, Latium (XXX) The map size is medium for 2v2 matches, otherwise normal. Starting ressources are set to low §10. Hero dancing/luring units as well as formation dancing is not allowed. Dancing single units during fight is also not allowed. Dancing in this context means to make focussed units move extensivly by spamclicking or other methods to avoid getting hit. A violation of that rule means victory for the opponent team. F. After the game §11. The winning teams reports the results to the forum, by stating who won, how many players have participated on each team and the missing players of each team. §12. Tier list: Tier 1 players are: borg, ValihrAnt, Feldfeld, (Stockfish?) Tier 2 players are: chrstgtr, jc, fpre, Phyzic. Boudica, Rauls, Unknown Player, ffm, nani, 90 Decger, faction02, Schweinepriester, wendy, or players of clearly at least similiar play strenght. ( make suggestions for this list if you want, but dont extend it too much)
  3. I think it could be possible to host a tournament, maybe in a league format that gives the option to form 4 player teams but also allows more small teams to compete. Also the timing issue could be solved that way. In case some team members cant find time to participate only the other members of the team can play against each other, or play multiple matches. The only challenge here would be that if the strongest player of t2 gets to play many 1v1 that would lead to unfair outcomes as he plays the average of the other team. Although there could be the option that the other team would also be allowed to choose a player of their wishes to compete. Also their could be rules that force all team members to distribute games equally.. plenty of solutions possible... and of course it can get kinda complicated. I can work something out though in case there is intrest. Also it could encourage a more versatile choice of civs.
  4. Here my win vs badosu ( i hope is correct one ) metadata.json commands.txt
  5. This map is not intended to fulfill the asthetic needs to be officially featured but it is playable and someone might enjoy. The environment is based on the Lonely mountain from Tolkien's universe. lonely mountain.xml lonely mountain.pmp
  6. I hope posting it in forum will at least frighten quitters. Maybe something can be done about it commands.txt metadata.json
  7. This Gentleman just left game when he was in a bad position. As he is an experienced player i am pretty sure it was on purpose. Thank you for taking notice :) commands.txt metadata.json
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