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Dunedan last won the day on January 12

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  1. That's a very good example of the problem (kudos for the idea of making a video out of it. so obvious, but nobody did it so far). Just watch the first 20 seconds, when the blue spearmen are moving prior to engaging in the fight. FPS are ~30, but it looks really choppy.
  2. Get new players to join and let's find out. Our main limitation is https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/issues/4203 right now. Without that, there is no real limitation of the number of concurrent players in the lobby, which can't be solved with some additional hardware.
  3. I've created https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/issues/7589 to track this issue.
  4. The multiplayer lobby and everything else is back online now.
  5. Yes, the lobby isn't reachable right now. There are also reports that other WFG-hosted services aren't available for certain people. I'll post an update here as soon as I get one.
  6. Turns out, while I have a bit more recent hardware, I'm affected by this problem as well. The whole game stutters visibly and frame rates drop very low the more units exist. I'm using a AMD GPU with Wayland on Linux. It doesn't matter whether I run the game with Wayland or XWayland. It doesn't matter whether I select OpenGL or Vulkan as engine. It doesn't matter whether I enable GPU Skinning or not and the problem continues to exist even on lowest graphics settings. What seems to be common from the reports so far is that a lot of time is spent in "sim update", but I'm not sure if that's significant.
  7. That's not related to the game itself, but to the connection to the lobby.
  8. I just changed some config on the lobby server. While that doesn't fix the actual issue, it might speed up the time it takes to work again for affected players. If a player is affected now and rejoins the lobby after 90 seconds, they should have a working state again. There is a slight chance this has a negative effect on players with flaky connections though, which might get disconnected more often from the lobby. Please report your experiences!
  9. The "0ad" package is available in "oracular-updates" though.
  10. The lobby is getting updates more or less frequently. This wasn't directly related to Alpha 27 (if you're hinting at that).
  11. So here is what happened yesterday: We deploy changes to the lobby using Infrastructure-as-Code (the code for that is available at https://github.com/0ad/lobby-infrastructure/). Applying changes yesterday included a value for an XMPP MUC room option as a boolean (true) in our YAML configuration. That got converted by Ansible into a Python boolean (True) and when applying it to a string (True). As you might notice that changed the capitalization. While ejabberd (the XMPP server we're using) accepted that value, it doesn't support capitalized booleans and hell broke loose when a code path accessing such a configuration option got executed. For one option (like: "ejabberdctl room conference.host logging True") this does cause the XMPP MUC room the option got applied for to get completely deleted immediately. This resulted in the lobby not being available anymore. Debugging what happened took some time. As a workaround we're now passing the configuration values as strings in the first place, which ensures the capitalization stays as desired and doesn't trigger that behavior anymore. I've also opened a bug report for ejabberd, so hopefully it won't be possible in future anymore to set such invalid options: https://github.com/processone/ejabberd/issues/4337.
  12. The lobby is back online now. I'll post some details what went wrong later on.
  13. The problem tracked here persists for way longer than a minute, sometimes up to an hour or so.
  14. No report from somebody without a rating yet, so yeah, worth keeping that in mind, even though I believe it's unlikely to be a contributing factor. Who knows, maybe a27 will already fix this issue.
  15. The issue isn't related to ratings, but caused by the XMPP server seeing two distinct connections from a client. There tend to be more reports from players with rating, as in that case rejoining a game doesn't work. Rating or not is however not related to the underlying issue.
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