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Dunedan last won the day on March 6

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  1. We don't offer a way right now to retrieve the account creation date.
  2. Not sure if it's just me, but capturing feels too easy with a27. The two other points I struggle with are ships being too weak and siege weapons packaging and movement being too fast. In a game I had serious problems countering siege weapons even with champion horsemen, because of how fast they've been able to get back behind enemy lines again.
  3. What I'd like to see would be an AI whose difficulty doesn't depend on cheating, like it's the case with Petra AI and its resource multiplier.
  4. As 0ad is Open Source everybody can contribute changes. So we'd be happy about pull requests improving AI as well.
  5. So how is the status of this bug with Alpha 27? Does is still happen?
  6. Please report stuff like that with additional details to one of the lobby moderators via private messages here in the forums.
  7. Please report something like that privately next time. Impersonating other users violates the terms of use and such accounts will be swiftly banned. The people behind such accounts are usually known players and risk persecution of their "real" account as well by engaging in impersonation.
  8. I know I'm a bit late to this party, but CGNAT shouldn't be the cause for not being able to connect to games hosted by other players. Being behind CGNAT is a cause for not being able to host games, but connecting to existing games should work with CGNAT as well. @Vantha I understand that getting your ISP to switch you from CGNAT to a public IP address solved the issue for you, but I guess there was more to it than just this change. My guess is that your ISP does something like filtering traffic for CGNAT users (for example blocking UDP traffic from "unknown" ports), which isn't there for users without CGNAT.
  9. If you release cross-platform software the vast majority of feedback will come from Linux users, even if they're the minority of users. That's because Linux users are on average more tech savy and are used to debugging and opening bug reports. So that alone isn't necessarily an indicator for a Linux specific problem.
  10. In that case your VPN probably doesn't (reliably) support tunneling UDP traffic. In case you're using a VPN and encounter any problems, please always try if you can reproduce the problems without the VPN as well, before you report something.
  11. If everybody in a match explicitly agrees to the usage of cheats, I wouldn't consider using them an unfair advantage. From my perspective that'd be fine and similar to a game where the "cheats" setting is enabled. However, I believe that's a pretty rare scenario and not what this thread is about.
  12. It's not. It's actually within the game licenses that anybody can mod the game. You can make a circular reasoning with the tos stating that cheating isn't allowed in ranked games. Actually the Terms of Use are very clear that everything which grants unfair advantages isn't allowed in multiplayer games, no matter if they are rated or not:
  13. The minimum screen resolution we support (although with some limitations) is 1024x768 pixels. With that resolution there is pretty much no empty space left over there. Parts of the panel are also used when spectating a game for selecting the player to spec. Also mind that the game should appeal to new and casual players as well, which might get overwhelmed when there is too much information shown there.
  14. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/issues/4710 would achieve that. Feel free to contribute a patch for that!
  15. My guess is that you're using an unsupported version of ejabberd. The easiest way to get a lobby up and running is to follow the instructions here: https://github.com/0ad/lobby-infrastructure/ Alternatively you can also just skip the installation of "mod_ipstamp". In that case hosting without STUN won't work, but this option is being removed for Alpha 28 anyway.
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